Dynamics Of The Development Of 'Risk' Notion In The Psychological Science And Its Interdisciplinary Discourse

  • Natalia Miheyeva Daugavpils University, Social Psychology department, 13 Vienibas Street, Daugavpils
Keywords: Risk notion, Psychology


After studying the theoretical sources related to the topic the author of research comes to the conclusion that the notion of risk as a systematic phenomenon was not paid sufficient attention in existing scientific literature. Problem: An insufficient state of knowledge of the phenomenon of risk in Latvian psychological science, taking into consideration its multifacetedness, which is confirmed by the researches both in Psychology and in other sciences. The researchers of risk hitherto have not come to agreement of opinion even in the sphere of the definition of the risk notion itself, which requires the theoretical cooperative analysis of existing concepts. The author pays particular attention to the factor of social instability in Latvia and in the world, which is the determinant for risk both in social environment and in behaviour of an individual. Aim: operationalization and systematization of the 'risk' notion, its theories and concepts, as well as of the notions related or interdisciplinary connected to 'risk' notion. Tasks: implementing the comparative theoretical study of the existing concepts of risk, tracing the dynamics of the 'risk' notion formation in Psychology, carrying out the analysis of the risk study results in the fields of scientific knowledge that are related or interdisciplinary connected to Psychology. Method: theoretical comparative analysis. Output: Both classical and modern researches on risk and correlating phenomena under the situation of social instability were analysed and systematized. Summary: Risk has a multifaceted and multi-determinant nature, which stipulates its study by many sciences and makes it possible to talk of its interdisciplinary discourse. In Psychology it has rather rich research tradition, which is represented both by classical and modern researches. The researchers of risk have not come to agreement on the definition of risk, and there are divergences in its interpretation. Scientists agree, that risk has a number of features (uncertainty, alternativity, situation of evaluation, etc.), as well as is determined by many factors (age, gender, social status, personal attitude etc.). It was that discovered that insufficient attention has been paid to the study of this phenomenon in Latvia. Risk has been studied in Social psychology, but the existing view on risk in that sphere seems to author to be not complete, pixelated, taking into consideration the systematization law within the interaction of the elements of social medium.


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