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Research Article

An end to end workflow for differential gene expression using Affymetrix microarrays

[version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]
PUBLISHED 15 Jun 2016
Author details Author details

This article is included in the Bioconductor gateway.


In this article, we walk through an end–to–end Affymetrix microarray differential expression workflow using Bioconductor packages. This workflow is directly applicable to current “Gene” type arrays, e.g. the HuGene or MoGene arrays but can easily adapted to similar platforms. The data re–analyzed is a typical clinical microarray data set that compares inflammed and non–inflammed colon tissue in two disease subtypes. We will start from the raw data CEL files, show how to import them into a Bioconductor ExpressionSet, perform quality control and normalization and finally differential gene expression (DE) analysis, followed by some enrichment analysis. As experimental designs can be complex, a self contained introduction to linear models is also part of the workflow.


gene expression, Affimetrix, microarrays, workflow


In this article we introduce a complete workflow for a typical (Affymetrix) microarray analysis. Data import, preprocessing, differential expression and enrichment analysis are discussed. We also introduce some necessary mathematical background on linear models along the way.

The data set used1 is from a paper studying the differences between patients suffering from Ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn’s disease (CD). This is a typical clinical data set consisting of 14 UC and 15 CD patients from which inflamed and non–inflamed colonic mucosa tissue was obtained via a biopsy. Our aim is to analyze differential expression (DE) between the tissues in the two diseases.

Required packages and other preparations

raw_data_dir <- file.path(getwd(), "rawDataMAWorkflow")

Download the raw data from from ArrayExpress

The first step of the analysis is to download the raw data CEL files. These files are produced by the array scanner software and contain the probe intensities measured. The data have been deposited at ArrayExpress and have the accession code E-MTAB-2967.

Each ArrayExpress data set has a landing page summarizing the data set, and we use the ArrayExpress Bioconductor package to obtain the ftp links to the raw data files (Data from Palmieri et. al. on ArrayEpress).

Information stored in ArrayExpress

Each dataset at ArrayExpress is stored according to the MAGE–TAB (MicroArray Gene Expression Tabular) specifications as a collection of tables bundled with the raw data. The MAGE–TAB format specifies up to five different types of files, namely the Investigation Description Format (IDF), the Array Design Format (ADF), the Sample and Data Relationship Format (SDRF), the raw data files and the processed data files.

For use, the IDF and the SDRF file are important. The IDF file contains top level information about the experiment including title, description, submitter contact details and protocols. The SDRF file contains essential information on the experimental samples, e.g. the experimental group(s) they belong to.

Download the raw data and the annotation data

With the code below, we download the raw data from ArrayExpress2. It is saved in the directory raw_data_dir which defaults to the subdirectory rawDataMAWorkflow of the current working directory. The names of the downloaded files are returned as a list.


anno_AE <- getAE("E-MTAB-2967", path=raw_data_dir, type="raw")

We now import the SDRF file directly from ArrayExpress in order to obtain the sample annotation.

The raw data consists of one CEL file per sample (see below) and we use the CEL file names as row names for the imported data. These names are given in a column named Array.Data.File in the SDRF table. We turn the SDRF table into an AnnotatedDataFrame from the Biobase package that we will need later to create an ExpressionSet for our data3.

SDRF <- read.delim(

rownames(SDRF) <- SDRF$Array.Data.File
SDRF <- AnnotatedDataFrame(SDRF)

Before we move on to the actual raw data import, we will briefly introduce the ExpressionSet class contained in the Biobase package. It is commonly used to store microarray data in Bioconductor.


Figure 1. Structure of Bioconductor’s ExpressionSet class.

Bioconductor ExpressionSets

Genomic data can be very complex, usually consisting of a number of different bits and pieces, e.g. information on the experimental samples, annotation of genomic features measured as well as the experimental data itself In Bioconductor the approach is taken that these pieces should be stored in a single structure to easily manage the data.

The package Biobase contains standardized data structures to represent genomic data. The ExpressionSet class is designed to combine several different sources of information (i.e. as contained in the various MAGE–TAB files) into a single convenient structure. An ExpressionSet can be manipulated (e.g., subsetted, copied), and is the input to or output of many Bioconductor functions.

The data in an ExpressionSet consist of

  • assayData: Expression data from microarray experiments.

  • metaData: A description of the samples in the experiment (phenoData), metadata about the features on the chip or technology used for the experiment (featureData), and further annotations for the features, for example gene annotations from biomedical databases (annotation).

  • experimentData: A flexible structure to describe the experiment.

The ExpressionSet class coordinates all of these data, so that one does not have to worry about the details. However, some constrains have to be met. In particular, the rownames of the phenoData (which holds the content of the SDRF file) have to match the column names of the assay data (as they represent the sample identifiers), while the row names of the expression data have to match the row names of the featureData (as they represent the feature identifiers). This is illustrated in the figure.

You can use the functions pData and fData to extract the sample and feature annotation respectively from an ExpressionSet. The function exprs will return the expression data itself as a matrix.

Import of the raw microarray data

The analysis of Affymetrix arrays starts with CEL files. These are the result of the processing of the raw image files using the Affymetrix software and contain estimated probe intensity values. Each CEL file additionally contains some metadata, such as a chip identifier.

The function read.celfiles from the oligo4 can be used to import the files. The package automatically uses as the chip annotation package as the chip–type is also stored in the .CEL files.

We specify our AnnotatedDataFrame created earlier as phenoData. Thus, We have to be sure that we import the CEL files in the order that corresponds to the SDRF table — to enforce this, we use the column Array.Data.File of the SDRF table as the filenames argument.

Finally, we check whether the object created is valid. (e.g. sample names match between the different tables).

We collect the information about the CEL files and import and them into the variable raw_data:

raw_data <- read.celfiles(filenames = file.path(raw_data_dir,
		           verbose = FALSE, phenoData = SDRF)

We now inspect the raw data a bit and retain only those columns that are related to the experimental factors of interest (identifiers of the individuals, disease of the individual and the mucosa type).


               Source.Name Characteristics.individual. Characteristics.organism.
   164_I_.CEL        164_I 			   164 	  	    Homo sapiens
   164_II.CEL       164_II 			   164 	  	    Homo sapiens
   183_I.CEL         183_I 			   183 	  	    Homo sapiens
   183_II.CEL       183_II 			   183 	  	    Homo sapiens
   2114_I.CEL       2114_I 			  2114 	  	    Homo sapiens
   2114_II.CEL     2114_II 			  2114 	  	    Homo sapiens
               Characteristics.disease. Characteristics.organism.part.
   164_I_.CEL           Crohn's disease 			 colon
   164_II.CEL           Crohn's disease 			 colon
   183_I.CEL            Crohn's disease 			 colon
   183_II.CEL           Crohn's disease 			 colon
   2114_I.CEL           Crohn's disease 			 colon
   2114_II.CEL          Crohn's disease 			 colon
                Characteristics.phenotype. Material.Type Protocol.REF
   164_I_.CEL  non-inflamed colonic mucosa organism part P-MTAB-41361
   164_II.CEL      inflamed colonic mucosa organism part P-MTAB-41361
   183_I.CEL   non-inflamed colonic mucosa organism part P-MTAB-41361
   183_II.CEL      inflamed colonic mucosa organism part P-MTAB-41361
   2114_I.CEL  non-inflamed colonic mucosa organism part P-MTAB-41361
   2114_II.CEL     inflamed colonic mucosa organism part P-MTAB-41361
               Protocol.REF.1 Extract.Name Protocol.REF.2 Labeled.Extract.Name
   164_I_.CEL    P-MTAB-41363        164_I   P-MTAB-41364         164_I:Biotin
   164_II.CEL    P-MTAB-41363       164_II   P-MTAB-41364        164_II:Biotin
   183_I.CEL     P-MTAB-41363        183_I   P-MTAB-41364         183_I:Biotin
   183_II.CEL    P-MTAB-41363       183_II   P-MTAB-41364        183_II:Biotin
   2114_I.CEL    P-MTAB-41363       2114_I   P-MTAB-41364        2114_I:Biotin
   2114_II.CEL   P-MTAB-41363      2114_II   P-MTAB-41364       2114_II:Biotin
                 Label Protocol.REF.3 Assay.Name Technology.Type Array.Design.REF
   164_I_.CEL  biotin    P-MTAB-41366     164_I_     array assay       A-AFFY-141
   164_II.CEL  biotin    P-MTAB-41366     164_II     array assay       A-AFFY-141
   183_I.CEL   biotin    P-MTAB-41366      183_I     array assay       A-AFFY-141
   183_II.CEL  biotin    P-MTAB-41366     183_II     array assay       A-AFFY-141
   2114_I.CEL  biotin    P-MTAB-41366     2114_I     array assay       A-AFFY-141
   2114_II.CEL biotin    P-MTAB-41366    2114_II     array assay       A-AFFY-141
               Term.Source.REF Protocol.REF.4 Array.Data.File
   164_I_.CEL     ArrayExpress   P-MTAB-41367      164_I_.CEL
   164_II.CEL     ArrayExpress   P-MTAB-41367      164_II.CEL
   183_I.CEL      ArrayExpress   P-MTAB-41367       183_I.CEL
   183_II.CEL     ArrayExpress   P-MTAB-41367      183_II.CEL
   2114_I.CEL     ArrayExpress   P-MTAB-41367      2114_I.CEL
   2114_II.CEL    ArrayExpress   P-MTAB-41367     2114_II.CEL
               Factor.Value.disease.     Factor.Value.phenotype.
   164_I_.CEL        Crohn's disease non-inflamed colonic mucosa
   164_II.CEL        Crohn's disease     inflamed colonic mucosa
   183_I.CEL         Crohn's disease non-inflamed colonic mucosa
   183_II.CEL        Crohn's disease     inflamed colonic mucosa
   2114_I.CEL        Crohn's disease non-inflamed colonic mucosa
   2114_II.CEL       Crohn's disease     inflamed colonic mucosa


  164_I_.CEL 164_II.CEL 183_I.CEL 183_II.CEL 2114_I.CEL 2114_II.CEL 2209_A.CEL
1       4496       5310      4492       4511       2872        5081       3357
2        181        280       137        101         91         114        175
3       4556       5104      4379       4608       2972        4763       3519
4        167        217        99         79         82          84        157
5         89        110        69         58         47          46         97
6         80        148        96         66         60          54        114
  2209_B.CEL 2255_I.CEL 2255_II.CEL 2400_I.CEL 2400_II.CEL 2424_A.CEL
1       4579       5878        3197       3111        3018       2816
2        209        132          87        109         131         96
3       4751       5913        3517       3244        3078       2637
4        206        142          79         65         129         97
5        106         59          54         57         104         47
6        102        106          58         73          66         61
  2424_B.CEL 255_I.CEL 255_II.CEL 2826_I.CEL 2826_II.CEL 2853_I.CEL 2853_II.CEL
1       3996      2097       5305       2028        7146       4307        5014
2        159        91        142         69         163        245         178
3       4268      2923       5513       2259        6811       4571        4782
4         96        94         87         61          88        182         168
5         50        61         58         39          51         92          81
6         77        64         72         42         105        166         139
  2978_I.CEL 2978_II.CEL 2987_I.CEL 2987_II.CEL 2992_I.CEL 2992_II.CEL
1       5525        6085       2856        3056       4685        3403
2        125         158        113         128        172         150
3       5576        6291       3469        3430       5218        3430
4        121         115         71          91        188         152
5         51          54         62          80         81         102
6         90         100         87          89        118          91
  2995_I.CEL 2995_II.CEL 321_I.CEL 321_II.CEL 3222_I.CEL 3222_II.CEL 3223_I.CEL
1       5458        2698      4607       3338       4396        3876       4300
2        191          97       126        106        143         142        179
3       5043        3075      5034       3496       4833        4104       4845
4        161         101       106         81        126         120        143
5         59          86        45         37         61          76        154
6        110          72        79         67         98          78        138
  3223_II.CEL 3226_I.CEL 3226_II.CEL 3233_I.CEL 3233_II.CEL 3258_I.CEL
1        4669       3281        2263       5800        4418       6408
2         197        136          84        182         133        263
3        5256       3610        2461       5440        4835       5806
4         227        137         110        179         125        236
5          67         65          70         64          62        104
6         126         88          53         91          69        157
  3258_II.CEL 3259_I.CEL 3259_II.CEL 3262_I.CEL 3262_II.CEL 3266_I.CEL
1        4613       4743        4137       4745        2293       4853
2         165        197         191        109          99        130
3        4754       4941        4166       5158        2267       4912
4         192        120         115        117          75         85
5         103         54         111         43          37         52
6         133        108         125         74          63         73
  3266_II.CEL 3269_I.CEL 3269_II.CEL 3271_I.CEL 3271_II.CEL 3302_I.CEL
1        4192       4069        3295       5790        2361       4606
2         143        130         101        143          97        137
3        4099       4239        3686       5322        3011       5195
4         103        130          88        109          85        102
5          49         65          59         61          52         65
6          59         80          89         80          55         98
  3302_II.CEL 3332_I.CEL 3332_II.CEL 848_A.CEL 848_B.CEL 888_I.CEL 888_II.CEL
1        3007       3839        2667      5211      4775      5886       4383
2          84        102          75       216       204       206        140
3        3389       3878        3224      4949      5110      6004       4026
4          82         61          65       178       183       193        165
5          42         48          59        76        91        56         75
6          63         81          80        98       140       104         95

pData(raw_data) <- pData(raw_data)[, c("Source.Name",

Quality control of the raw data

The first step after the intial data import is the quality control of the data. Here we check for outliers and try to see whether the data clusters as expected, e.g. by the experimental conditions. We use the identifiers of the individuals as plotting symbols.

exp_raw <- log2(exprs(raw_data))
PCA_raw <- prcomp(t(exp_raw), scale = FALSE)

dataGG <- data.frame(PC1 = PCA_raw$x[,1], PC2 = PCA_raw$x[,2],
		      Disease = pData(raw_data)$Factor.Value.disease.,
		      Phenotype = pData(raw_data)$Factor.Value.phenotype.,
		      Individual = pData(raw_data)$Characteristics.individual.)
(qplot(PC1, PC2, data = dataGG, color = Disease,
	main = "PCA plot of the raw data (log-transformed)", size = I(2),
	asp = 1.0, geom = "text",
	label = Individual)
     + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set2"))

boxplot(raw_data, target = "core",
         main = "Boxplots of log2-intensities for the raw data")

The PCA (performed on the log–intensity scale) plot of the raw data shows that the first principal component differentiates between the diseases. However, the intensity boxplots show that the intensity distributions of the individual arrays are quite different, indicating the need of an appropriate normalization, which we will discuss next.

A wide range of quality control plots can be created using the package arrayQualityMetrics5. The package produces an html report, containing the quality control plots together with a description of their aims and an identification of possible outliers. We don’t discuss this tool in detail here, but the code below can be used to create a report for our raw data.


Figure 2. PCA plot of the log–transformed raw data.


Figure 3. Intensity boxplots of the log2–transformed raw data.

arrayQualityMetrics(expressionset = raw_data,
    outdir = "Report_for_Palmieri_raw",
    force = TRUE, do.logtransform = TRUE,
    intgroup = c("Factor.Value.disease." , "Factor.Value.phenotype."))

Background adjustment, calibration, summarization and annotation

Background adjustment

After the initial import and quality assessment, the next step in processing of microarray data is background adjustment. This is essential because a part of the measured probe intensities are due to non-specific hybridization and the noise in the optical detection system. Therefore, observed intensities need to be adjusted to give accurate measurements of specific hybridization.

Across–array normalization (calibration)

Without proper normalization across arrays, it is impossible to compare measurements from different array hybridizations due to many obscuring sources of variation. These include different efficiencies of reverse transcription, labeling or hybridization reactions, physical problems with the arrays, reagent batch effects, and laboratory conditions.


After normalization, summarization is needed because on the Affymetrix platform transcripts are represented by multiple probes. For each gene, the background adjusted and normalized intensities need to be summarized into one quantity that estimates an amount proportional to the amount of RNA transcript.

After the summarization step, the summarized data can be annotated with various information, e.g. gene symbols and EMSEMBL gene identifiers. There is an annotation database available from Bioconductor for our platform, namely the package hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db.

You can view its content like this


   [1] "hugene10sttranscriptcluster"
   [2] "hugene10sttranscriptclusterACCNUM"
   [3] "hugene10sttranscriptclusterALIAS2PROBE"
   [4] "hugene10sttranscriptclusterCHR"
   [5] "hugene10sttranscriptclusterCHRLENGTHS"
   [6] "hugene10sttranscriptclusterCHRLOC"

Additional information is available from the reference manual of the package. Essentially, the package provides a mapping from the transcript cluster identifiers to the various annotation data.

Old and new “probesets” of Affymetrix microarrays

Traditionally, Affymetrix arrays (the so–called 3’ IVT arrays) were probeset based: a certain fixed group of probes were part of a probeset which represented a certain gene or transcript (note however, that a gene can be represented by multiple probesets).

The more recent “Gene” and “Exon” Affymetrix arrays are exon based and hence there are two levels of summarization. The exon level summarization leads to “probeset” summary. However, these probesets are not the same as the probesets of the previous chips, which usually represented a gene/transcript. Furthermore, there are also no longer designated match/mismatch probes present on “Gene” type chips.

For the newer Affymetrix chips a gene/transcript level summary is given by “transcriptct clusters”. Hence the appropriate annotation package is called hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db.

To complicate things even a bit more, note that the “Gene” arrays were created as affordable versions of the “Exon” arrays by taking the “good” probes from the Exon array. So the notion of a probeset is based on the original construction of the probesets on the Exon array, which contains usually at least four probes.

But since Affymetrix selected only a the subset of “good” probes for the Gene arrays, a lot of the probesets on the “Gene” arrays are made up of three or fewer probes. Thus, a summarization on the probeset/exon level is not recommended for “Gene” arrays but nonetheless possible by using the hugene10stprobeset.db annotation package.

One–go preprocessing in oligo

The package oligo allows us to perform background correction, normalization and summarization in one single step using a deconvolution method for background correction, quantile normalization and the RMA (robust multichip average) algorithm for summarization.

This series of steps as a whole is commonly referred to as RMA algorithm, although strictly speaking RMA is merely a summarization method68.

palmieri_eset <- oligo::rma(raw_data, target="core")

   Background correcting
   Calculating Expression

The parameter target defines the degree of summarization, the default option of which is “core”, using transcript clusters containing “safely” annotated genes. Other options for target include “extended” and “full”. For summarization on the exon level (not recommended for Gene arrays), one can use “probeset” as the target option.

Although other methods for background correction and normalization exist, RMA is usually a good default choice. RMA shares information across arrays and uses the versatile quantile normalization method that will make the array intensity distributions match. However, it is preferable to apply it only after outliers have been removed. The quantile normalization algorithm used by RMA works by replacing values by the average of identically ranked (with a single chip) values across arrays. A more detailed description can be found on the Wikipedia page about it.

An alternative to quantile normalization is the vsn algorithm, that performs background correction and normalization by robustly shifting and scaling log–scale intensity values within arrays9. This is less “severe” than quantile normalization.

Some mathematical background on normalization (calibration) and background correction

A generic model for the value of the intensity Y of a single probe on a microarray is given by

where B is a random quantity due to background noise, usually composed of optical effects and non-specific binding, α is a gain factor, and S is the amount of measured specific binding. The signal S is considered a random variable as well and accounts for measurement error and probe effects. The measurement error is typically assumed to be multiplicative so we can write:
Here θ represents the logarithm of the true abundance, φ is a probe-specific effect, and ε accounts for the nonspecific error. This is the additive–multiplicative–error model for microarray data used by RMA and also the vsn algorithm9. The algorithms differ in the way B is removed and an estimate of θ is obtained.


Figure 4. PCA plot of the calibrated data.

Quality assessment of the calibrated data

We now produce a clustering and another PCA plot using the calibrated data. In order to display a heatmap of the sample–to–sample distances, we first compute the distances using the dist function. We need to transpose the expression values since the function computes the distances between the rows (i.e. genes in our case) by default. The default distance is the Euclidean one. However this can be changed and we choose the manhatten distance here (it uses absolute instead of squared distances). We set the diagonal of the distance matrix to NA in order to increase the contrast of the color coding. Those diagonal entries do not contain information since the distance of a sample to itself is always equal to zero.

exp_palmieri <- exprs(palmieri_eset)
PCA <- prcomp(t(exp_palmieri), scale = FALSE)

dataGG <- data.frame(PC1 = PCA$x[,1], PC2 = PCA$x[,2],
		      Disease = pData(palmieri_eset)$Factor.Value.disease.,
		      Phenotype = pData(palmieri_eset)$Factor.Value.phenotype.)
(qplot(PC1, PC2, data = dataGG, color =  Disease, shape =  Phenotype,
	main = "PCA plot of the calibrated data", size = I(2), asp = 1.0)
       + scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set2"))

dists <- as.matrix(dist(t(exp_palmieri), method = "manhattan"))
colnames(dists) <- NULL
diag(dists) <- NA
rownames(dists) <-  pData(palmieri_eset)$Factor.Value.phenotype.
hmcol <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(9, "PuOr")))(255)

pheatmap(dists, col = rev(hmcol), clustering_distance_rows = "manhattan",
				    clustering_distance_cols = "manhattan")

The second PC roughly separates Crohn’s disease from ulcerative colitis, while the first separates the tissues. This is what we expect: the samples cluster by their experimental conditions. On the heatmap plot we also see that the samples do not cluster strongly by tissue, confirming the impression from the PCA plot that the separation between the tissues is not perfect. The stripe in the heatmap might correspond to outlier that could potentially remove. The arrayQualityMetrics package produces reports that compute several metrics that can be used for outlier removal.


Figure 5. Heatmap of the sample to sample distances for the calibrated data.

Filtering based on intensity

We now filter out lowly expressed genes. Microarray data commonly show a large number of probes in the background intensity range. They also do not change much across arrays. Hence they combine a low variance with a low intensity. Thus, they could end up being detected as differentially expressed although they are barely above the “detection” limit and are not very informative in general. We will perform a “soft” intensity based filtering here, since this is recommended by limma’s10,11 user guide (a package we will use below for the differential expression analysis). However, note that a variance based filter might exclude a similar set of probes in practice. In the histogram of the gene–wise medians, we can clearly see an enrichment of low medians on the left hand side. These represent the genes we want to filter.

In order to infer a cutoff from the data, we inspect the histogram of the median–intensities. We visually fit a central normal distribution given by 0.5 · N(5.1, 1.18) to the probe–wise medians, which represents their typical behavior in the data set at hand.

Then we use the 5% quantile of this distribution as a threshold, We keep only those genes that show an expression higher than the threshold in at least as many arrays as in the smallest experimental group.

no_of_samples <- table(paste0(pData(palmieri_eset)$Factor.Value.disease., "_",

          Crohn's disease_inflamed colonic mucosa
      Crohn's disease_non-inflamed colonic mucosa
       ulcerative colitis_inflamed colonic mucosa
   ulcerative colitis_non-inflamed colonic mucosa

In our case this would be 14.

palmieri_medians <- rowMedians(exprs(palmieri_eset))
hist_res <- hist(palmieri_medians, 100, col="#e7efd8", freq = FALSE,
	     main = "Histogram of the median intensities",
	     xlab = "Median intensities")

emp_mu <- hist_res$breaks[which.max(hist_res$density)]
emp_sd <- mad(palmieri_medians)/2
prop_cental <- 0.50

lines(sort(palmieri_medians), prop_cental*dnorm(sort(palmieri_medians),
				 mean = emp_mu , sd = emp_sd),
				 col = "grey10", lwd = 4)

cut_val <- 0.05 / prop_cental
thresh_median <- qnorm(0.05 / prop_cental, emp_mu, emp_sd)

samples_cutoff <- min(no_of_samples)

idx_thresh_median <- apply(exprs(palmieri_eset), 1, function(x){
				   sum(x > thresh_median) >= samples_cutoff})

    9371 23926


Figure 6. Histogram of the median intensities per gene.

palmieri_filtered <- subset(palmieri_eset, idx_thresh_median)

Annotation of the transcript clusters

Before we continue with the linear models for microarrays and differential expression we describe how to add “feature Data”, i.e. annotation information to the transcript cluster identifiers stored in the featureData of our ExpressionSet. We use the function select from AnnotationDbi to query the gene symbols and associated short descriptions for the transcript clusters. For each cluster, we add the gene symbol and a short description of the gene the cluster represents.

anno_palmieri  <- AnnotationDbi::select(hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db,
				     columns = c("SYMBOL", "GENENAME"),

Removing multiple mappings and building custom annotations

Many transcript–cluster identifiers will map to multiple gene symbols. We compute a summary table in the code below to see how many there are.

probe_stats <- anno_palmieri %>%
    group_by(PROBEID) %>%
    summarize(no_of_matches = n_distinct(SYMBOL)) %>%
    filter(no_of_matches > 1)


   Source: local data frame [2,142 × 2]
      PROBEID no_of_matches
        (chr)         (int)
   1  7896742             8
   2  7896754             2
   3  7896937             3
   4  7896952             2
   5  7896961             3
   6  7897006             2
   7  7897632             3
   8  7897745             2
   9  7897953             2
   10 7897991             2
   ..     ...           ...


   [1] 2142    2

We have over 2000 transcript–clusters that map to multiple gene symbols. It is difficult to decide which mapping is “correct”. Therefore, we exclude these transcript–clusters. Additionally, we also exclude transcript–clusters that do not map to gene symbols.

ids_to_exlude <- ((featureNames(palmieri_filtered) %in% probe_stats$PROBEID) |
		 featureNames(palmieri_filtered)  %in% subset(anno_palmieri ,

   16606  7320

palmieri_final <- subset(palmieri_filtered, !ids_to_exlude)


   [1] TRUE

fData(palmieri_final)$PROBEID <- rownames(fData(palmieri_final))
fData(palmieri_final) <- left_join(fData(palmieri_final), anno_palmieri)

   Joining by: "PROBEID"

# restore rownames after left_join
rownames(fData(palmieri_final)) <-fData(palmieri_final)$PROBEID


   [1] TRUE

Alternatively, one can re–map the probes of the array to a current annotation, a workflow to do this for Illumina arrays is given in 12. Essentially, the individual probe sequences are re–aligned to an in–silico “exome” that consists of all annotated transcript exons.

In any case, the package pdInfoBuilder can be used to build custom annotation packages for use with oligo. In order to do this, PGF/CLF files (called “library files” on the Affymetrix website) as well as the probeset annotations are required. The probesets typically represent a small stretches of the genome (such as a single exon) and multiple probesets are then used to form a transcript cluster.

The CLF file contains information about the location of individual probes on the array. The PGF file then contains the individual probe sequences and shows the probeset they belong to. Finally, The probeset annotation .csv then contains information about which probesets are used in which transcript cluster. Commonly, multiple probesets are used in one transcript cluster and some probesets are contained in multiple transcript clusters.

A short overview of linear models

I am afraid this section is rather technical. However general experience shows that most questions on the Bioconductor support site about packages using using linear models like limma10, DESeq213 and edgeR14 are actually not so much about the packages themselves but rather about the underlying linear models. It might also be helpful to learn a bit of linear algebra to understand the concepts better. The Khan Academy offers nice (and free) online courses. Mike Love’s and Michael Irizzary’s genomics class is also a very good resource, especially its section on interactions and contrasts.

Regression models

In regression models we use one variable to explain or predict the other. It is customary to plot the predictor variable on the x–axis and the predicted variable on the y–axis. The predictor is also called the independent variable, the explanatory variable, the covariate, or simply x. The predicted variable is called the dependent variable, or simply y.

In a regression problem the data are pairs (xi, yi) for i = 1, . . . , n. For each i, yi is a random variable whose distribution depends on xi. We write


The above expresses yi as a systematic or explainable part g(xi) and an unexplained part εi. Or more informally: response = signal + noise. g is called the regression function. Once we have an estimate g^ of g, we can compute ri := yig(xi). The ri’s are called residuals. The εi’s themselves are called errors.

Residuals are used to evaluate and assess the fit of models for g. Usually one makes distributional assumption about them, e.g. that they are independent and identically normally distributed with identical variance σ2 and mean zero:

This allows to derive statistical tests for model coefficients.

Linear regression models

Linear regression is a special case of the general regression model. Here, we combine the predictors linearly to produce a prediction. If we have only single predictor x, the simple linear regression model is:

We can of course always add more predictors, let their total number be denoted by p. Then we get a multiple linear regression:
The equation for a multiple linear regression model can also be written in matrix form (we will denote matrices and vectors in bold font).


With X being the so called design matrix:

𝟙n is a column vector of ones called the intercept and Xp = (xp1, . . . , xpn)T is a column vector of measurements for covariate p. The regression coefficients are commonly estimated by the method of “ordinary least squares” (OLS):
leading to the estimate of the coefficient vector

Creating design matrices in R

To get an idea of what design matrices look like, we consider several examples. It is important to know some fundamentals about design matrices in order to be able to correctly transfer a design of a particular study to an appropriate linear model.

We will use the base R functions:

  • formula

  • model.matrix

. . . in order to produce design matrices for a variety of linear models. R uses the formula interface to create design matrices automatically. In the first example, we have two groups of two samples each. Using formula and model.matrix we will create a model matrix with so called treatment contrast parameterization (the default setting in R). This means that an intercept is included in the model, i.e. X0 = 𝟙n and X1 is equal to 1 if the samples belongs to group two and zero otherwise as we can see in the following code chunk.

two_groups <- factor(c(1, 1 ,2, 2))
f <- formula(~ two_groups)

     (Intercept) two_groups2
   1           1           0
   2           1           0
   3           1           1
   4           1           1
   [1] 0 1
   [1] "contr.treatment"

This design is called treatment contrast parameterization for an obvious reason: the first column of the design matrix represents a “base level”, i.e the mean β0 for group one and the second column, corresponding to β1, represents the difference between the group means since all group two samples have means represented by β0 + β1. As β0 is the mean of group 1, β1 corresponds to the difference of the means of group two and group one and thus shows the effect of a “treatment”.

However, this design is not orthogonal, i.e. the columns of the design matrix are not independent. We can construct an equivalent orthogonal design as follows:

gr1 <- ifelse(two_groups == 1, 1, 0)
gr2 <- ifelse(two_groups == 2, 1, 0)
orth_model <- model.matrix(~ 0 + gr1 + gr2)

Here, we loose the nice direct interpretability of the coefficients. Now β1 is simply the mean of the second group. We will discuss the extraction of interesting contrasts (i.e. linear combinations of coefficients) from a model like this below.

We explicitly excluded the intercept by specifying it as zero. Commonly it makes sense to include an intercept in the model, especially in more complex models. We can specify a more complex design pretty easily: if we have two independent factors, the base mean now corresponds to the first levels of the two factors.

x <- factor(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2))
y <- factor(c("a", "a", "b", "b", "a", "a", "b", "b"))
two_factors <- model.matrix(~ x + y)

     (Intercept) x2 yb
   1           1  0  0
   2           1  0  0
   3           1  0  1
   4           1  0  1
   5           1  1  0
   6           1  1  0
   7           1  1  1
   8           1  1  1
   [1] 0 1 2
   [1] "contr.treatment"
   [1] "contr.treatment"

The “drop one” strategy is the default method for creating regression coefficients from factors in R. If a factor has d levels, adding it to the model will give you d − 1 regression coefficients corresponding to d − 1 columns in a design matrix. Apart from excluding the intercept, you can also use the I function to treat a covariate as it is without using the formula syntax. The code below includes z2 as a covariate.

z <- 1:4
model.matrix(~ z)

     (Intercept) z
   1           1 1
   2           1 2
   3           1 3
   4           1 4
   [1] 0 1

model.matrix(~ 0 + z)

   1 1
   2 2
   3 3
   4 4
   [1] 1

model.matrix(~ z + I(z^2))

     (Intercept) z I(z^2)
   1           1 1      1
   2           1 2      4
   3           1 3      9
   4           1 4     16
   [1] 0 1 2

Singular model matrices

Whatever your model matrix looks like, you should make sure that it is non–singular. Singularity means that the measured variables are linearly dependent and leads to regression coefficients that are not uniquely defined. In linear algebra terms, we say that the matrix does not have full rank, which for design matrices means that the actual dimension of the space spanned by the column vectors is in fact lower than the apparent one. This leads to a redundancy in the model matrix, since some columns can be represent by linear combinations of other columns.

For design matrices, which contain factors, this happens if two conditions are confounded, e.g. in one experimental group there are only females and in the other group there are only males. Then the effect of sex and experimental group cannot be disentangled.

Let’s look at an example. We set three factors, of which the third one is nested with the first two. We can check the singularity of the model matrix by computing its so called singular value decomposition and check it’s minimal singular value. If this is zero, the matrix is singular. As we can see, this is indeed the case here.

x <- factor(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2))
y <- factor(c("a", "a", "b", "b", "a", "a", "b", "b"))
z <- factor(c("m", "m", "m", "m", "k", "k", "l", "l"))
sing_model <- model.matrix(~ x+y+z)

     (Intercept) x2 yb zl zm
   1           1  0  0  0  1
   2           1  0  0  0  1
   3           1  0  1  0  1
   4           1  0  1  0  1
   5           1  1  0  0  0
   6           1  1  0  0  0
   7           1  1  1  1  0
   8           1  1  1  1  0
   [1] 0 1 2 3 3
   [1] "contr.treatment"
   [1] "contr.treatment"
   [1] "contr.treatment"


   [1] 0

We have one column in the design matrix that can be represented by a linear combination of the other columns, thus the column space has actually a lower dimension than the apparent one. For example, we can represent column 5 (“zm”) by a linear combination of the first two columns “intercept” and “x2”:

comb_coefs  <- coef(lm(sing_model[, 5] ~ 0 + sing_model[, -5]))
comb_coefs <-  ifelse(, 0L, comb_coefs)

   sing_model[, -5](Intercept)          sing_model[, -5]x2
                      1.00e+00                   -1.00e+00
            sing_model[, -5]yb          sing_model[, -5]zl
                      2.36e-16                   -2.36e-16

round(sum(sing_model[,-5] %*% comb_coefs - sing_model[,5]))

   [1] 0

I.e., in mathematical notation this means


Thus, the corresponding regression coefficients are not uniquely determined and the model does not make much sense. Therefore, the non–singularity of the model matrix should always be checked beforehand.

Using contrasts to test hypotheses in linear regression

In differential expression analysis, our most important covariates will be factors that differentiate between two or more experimental groups, e.g. the covariate Xp = (xp1, . . . , xpn) is either zero or one depending on which group the sample belongs to.

We will illustrate this concept using a small data set called toycars from the DAAG package. The data set toycars gives the distance traveled by one of three different toy cars on a smooth surface, starting from rest at the top of a 16 inch long ramp tilted at varying angles. We have the variables:

  • angle: Angle

  • distance: Traveled distance

  • car: Car number (1, 2 or 3)

We transform car into a factor so that R performs the necessary parameterization of the contrasts automatically.

toycars$car <- as.factor(toycars$car)
qplot(car, distance, data = toycars, geom="boxplot") + geom_point()


Figure 7. Boxplots showing the distance traveled by each car in the toycars data.

By looking at the box plots of distance by car, we can clearly see differences between the three types of cars. We can now fit a linear model with distance as the dependent variable and car and angle as the predictors. As we can see from the linear model output, the treatment contrast parameterization was used, with car 1 being the base level.

lm_car <- lm(distance ~ angle + car, data = toycars)

   lm(formula = distance ~ angle + car, data = toycars)

        Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
   -0.09811 -0.04240 -0.00669  0.01741  0.17251

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
   (Intercept)  0.09252    0.03467    2.67    0.014 *
   angle        0.18854    0.00995   18.96  1.5e-15 ***
   car2         0.11111    0.03195    3.48    0.002 **
   car3        -0.08222    0.03195   -2.57    0.017 *
   Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

   Residual standard error: 0.0678 on 23 degrees of freedom
   Multiple R-squared:  0.945,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.938
   F-statistic:  132 on 3 and 23 DF,  p-value: 1.22e-14

Testing general linear hypotheses

The estimated coefficients now give us the difference between the distance traveled between car 1 and car 2 (0.11) and car 1 and car 3 (-0.08), and the associated t–tests of these coefficients. However we cannot see a test of car 2 vs. car 3. This contrast test would correspond to testing the difference between the car 2 and car 3 regression coefficients.

Thus, contrasts of interest to us may not readily correspond to coefficients in a fitted linear model. However, one can easily test general linear hypotheses of the coefficients of the form:


Where C is the contrast matrix containing the between group differences of interest, q is the total number of comparisons to be performed and α contains the difference to be tested, this is usually a vector of zeros. If one tests multiple coefficients at once (e.g. β1 = 0 and β2 = 0 ) the corresponding test statistic is F–distributed. If one just tests linear combinations of coefficients, e.g. β1β2 = 0, β1β2 − 2β3 = 0 or something similar the test statistic has t–distribution. The function summary for lm reports the results of β1 = β2 = . . . = βp = 0 (F–test) and the t–tests of βj = 0 each of the coefficients.

Note that the model does not actually have to be refitted in order to test the contrasts. This makes contrast matrix based testing more efficient and convenient than reformulating the model using a new paramerization of the factors to obtain the desired tests. We can use the function glht from the multcomp package to test these general linear hypotheses15. Let us assume we want all pairwise comparisons between the cars, this can be achieved by defining a specific contrast matrix for our current model as given below.

There are three such comparisons and we can print the results by using the summary function. As we can see the estimates for the contrasts already contained in the original model agree with the obtained results from contrast fit.

C <- rbind(c(0, 0 , 1 ,0), c(0 , 0 , 0 , 1), c(0, 0 , 1, -1))
colnames(C) <- rownames(summary(lm_car)$coefficients)
rownames(C) <- c("car2 - car1", "car3 - car1" , "car2 - car3")

               (Intercept) angle car2 car3
   car2 - car1           0     0    1    0
   car3 - car1           0     0    0    1
   car2 - car3           0     0    1   -1

summary(glht(lm_car, C), test = adjusted(type ="none"))

     Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

   Fit: lm(formula = distance ~ angle + car, data = toycars)
   Linear Hypotheses:
                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
   car2 - car1 == 0   0.1111     0.0320    3.48    0.002 **
   car3 - car1 == 0  -0.0822     0.0320   -2.57    0.017 *
   car2 - car3 == 0   0.1933     0.0320    6.05  3.6e-06 ***
   Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
   (Adjusted p values reported -- none method)

Note that the term “contrast” is used in the context of (re)parameterization of the original model (as in “treatment contrasts”) and in the testing of linear hypotheses about the model coefficients. This can lead to some confusion, however usually it should be clear from the context whether a reparameterization or test of linear hypotheses is intended.

We can also fit a linear model without an intercept to the toycars data set. Now, the coefficients derived from the “car” factor represent car–wise means. Thus, the contrasts we have to form change, however, the results for the group comparisons do not.

toycars$car <- as.factor(toycars$car)
lm_car_no_I <- lm(distance~0 + angle + car, data = toycars)

   lm(formula = distance ~ 0 + angle + car, data = toycars)

        Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max
   -0.09811 -0.04240 -0.00669  0.01741  0.17251

         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
   angle  0.18854    0.00995   18.96  1.5e-15 ***
   car1   0.09252    0.03467    2.67    0.014 *
   car2   0.20364    0.03467    5.87  5.5e-06 ***
   car3   0.01030    0.03467    0.30    0.769
   Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

   Residual standard error: 0.0678 on 23 degrees of freedom
   Multiple R-squared:  0.991,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.989
   F-statistic:  629 on 4 and 23 DF,  p-value: <2e-16

C_no_I <-  rbind(c(0, -1, 1, 0), c(0, -1, 0, 1), c(0, 0, 1, -1) )
colnames(C_no_I) <- rownames(summary(lm_car_no_I)$coefficients)
rownames(C_no_I) <- c("car2 - car1", "car3 - car1" , "car2 - car3" )

               angle car1 car2 car3
   car2 - car1     0   -1    1    0
   car3 - car1     0   -1    0    1
   car2 - car3     0    0    1   -1

summary(glht(lm_car_no_I, C_no_I), test = adjusted(type ="none"))

     Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

   Fit: lm(formula = distance ~ 0 + angle + car, data = toycars)

   Linear Hypotheses:
                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
   car2 - car1 == 0   0.1111     0.0320    3.48    0.002 **
   car3 - car1 == 0  -0.0822     0.0320   -2.57    0.017 *
   car2 - car3 == 0   0.1933     0.0320    6.05  3.6e-06 ***
   Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
   (Adjusted p values reported -- none method)

Linear models for microarrays

We now apply linear models to microarrays. Specifically, we discuss how to use the limma for differential expression analysis. The package is designed to analyze complex experiments involving comparisons between many experimental groups simultaneously while remaining reasonably easy to use for simple experiments. The main idea is to fit a linear model to the expression data for each gene. Empirical Bayes and other shrinkage methods are used to borrow information across genes for the residual variance estimation leading to a “moderated” t–statistics, and stabilizing the analysis for experiments with just a small number of arrays11.

In the following, we use appropriate design and contrast matrices for our linear models and fit a linear model to each gene separately.

A linear model for the data

The original paper is interested in changes in transcription that occur between inflamed and adjacent non–inflamed mucosal areas of the colon. This is studied in both inflammatory bowel disease types.

Since we have two arrays per individual, the first factor we need is a blocking factor for the individuals that will absorb differences between them. Then we create a factors that give us the grouping for the diseases and the tissue types. We furthermore simplify the names of the diseases to UC and DC, respectively. Then, we create two design matrices, one for each of the two diseases as we will analyze them separately in order to follow the analysis strategy of the original paper closely (one could also fit a joint model to the complete data set, however, the two diseases might behave very differently so that a joint fit might not be appropriate).

individual <- as.character(pData(palmieri_final)$Characteristics.individual.)

tissue <- str_replace_all(pData(palmieri_final)$Factor.Value.phenotype., " ", "_")
tissue <- ifelse(tissue == "non-inflamed_colonic_mucosa", "nI", "I")

disease <- str_replace_all(pData(palmieri_final)$Factor.Value.disease., " ", "_")
disease <- ifelse(disease == "Crohn's_disease", "CD", "UC")

i <- individual[disease == "CD"]
design_palmieri_CD <- model.matrix(~ 0 + tissue[disease == "CD"] + i)
colnames(design_palmieri_CD)[1:2] <- c("I", "nI")

i <- individual[disease == "UC"]
design_palmieri_UC<- model.matrix(~ 0 + tissue[disease == "UC"] + i)
colnames(design_palmieri_UC)[1:2] <- c("I", "nI")

We can inspect the design matrices and test their rank.

head(design_palmieri_CD[, 1:6])

     I nI i183 i2114 i2209 i2255
   1 0  1    0     0     0     0
   2 1  0    0     0     0     0
   3 0  1    1     0     0     0
   4 1  0    1     0     0     0
   5 0  1    0     1     0     0
   6 1  0    0     1     0     0


   [1] 30 16


   [1] 0.344

head(design_palmieri_UC[, 1:6])

     I nI i2424 i2987 i2992 i2995
   1 0  1     0     0     0     0
   2 1  0     0     0     0     0
   3 0  1     1     0     0     0
   4 1  0     1     0     0     0
   5 0  1     0     1     0     0
   6 1  0     0     1     0     0


   [1] 28 15


   [1] 0.355

Contrasts and hypotheses tests

We now fit the linear models and define appropriate contrasts to test hypotheses of interest. We want to compare the inflamed to the the non–inflamed tissue. Thus, we create a contrast matrix consisting of one row. limma ’s function makeContrasts creates this matrix from a synbolic description of the contrast of interest. We can fit the linear model, compute the moderated t–statistics by calling the eBayes function and finally extract the number of differentially expressed genes while controlling the FDR by requiring BH–corrected p–value below a certain threshold.

contrast_matrix_CD <- makeContrasts(I-nI, levels = design_palmieri_CD)

palmieri_fit_CD <- eBayes([,disease == "CD"],
			           design = design_palmieri_CD),

contrast_matrix_UC <- makeContrasts(I-nI, levels = design_palmieri_UC)

palmieri_fit_UC <- eBayes([,disease == "UC"],
			           design = design_palmieri_UC),

Extracting results

Results can be extracted by use of the topTable function. We extract the comparisons for both Crohn’s disease as well as ulcerative colitis and sort the results by their absolute t–statistics. As a diagnostic check, we also plot the p–value histogram: We expect a uniform distribution for the p–values that correspond to true null hypotheses, while the a peak near zero shows a enrichment for low p–values corresponding to differentially expressed (DE) genes. A p–value less than 0.001 was used in the original paper as a significance cutoff leading to 298 (CD) and 520 (UC) DE–genes for the two diseases.

We call around 500/1000 genes in the two conditions at the same cutoff, this higher number of DE genes identified is probably due to the increased power from the blocking according to the individuals and the moderated variance estimation that limma performs.

table_CD <-  topTable(palmieri_fit_CD, number = Inf)

           PROBEID  SYMBOL				       GENENAME  logFC
   7928695 7928695 FAM213A family with sequence similarity 213 member A -0.599
   8123695 8123695    ECI2                  enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 2 -0.486
   8164535 8164535    CRAT                carnitine O-acetyltransferase -0.425
   8009746 8009746 SLC16A5            solute carrier family 16 member 5 -0.518
   7952249 7952249    USP2               ubiquitin specific peptidase 2 -0.848
   8105348 8105348    GPX8          glutathione peroxidase 8 (putative)  0.831
           AveExpr     t  P.Value adj.P.Val    B
   7928695    7.74 -7.14 1.15e-06    0.0161 5.51
   8123695    6.88 -6.40 4.88e-06    0.0161 4.22
   8164535    6.73 -6.32 5.64e-06    0.0161 4.09
   8009746    5.56 -6.28 6.23e-06    0.0161 4.00
   7952249    5.61 -6.24 6.68e-06    0.0161 3.94
   8105348    5.30  6.11 8.70e-06    0.0161 3.70


Figure 8. Histogram of the p–values for Crohn’s disease.

table(table_CD$adj.P.Val < 0.05)

   15152  1454

table(table_CD$P.Value < 0.001)

   16037   569

hist(table_CD$P.Value, col = brewer.pal(3, name = "Set2")[1],
      main = "inflammed vs non-imflamed - Crohn's disease", xlab = "p-values")

table_UC <-  topTable(palmieri_fit_UC, number = Inf)

           PROBEID  SYMBOL                	      GENENAME  logFC AveExpr
   8003875 8003875   SPNS2     spinster homolog 2 (Drosophila)  0.741    6.48
   8082012 8082012 SLC15A2   solute carrier family 15 member 2  0.806    5.32
   7952290 7952290  TRIM29      tripartite motif containing 29  1.014    5.86
   8096070 8096070    BMP3        bone morphogenetic protein 3 -1.696    6.42
   7961693 7961693    LDHB             lactate dehydrogenase B  0.397    9.53
   8072015 8072015  ADRBK2 adrenergic, beta, receptor kinase 2  0.471    5.58
               t  P.Value adj.P.Val    B
   8003875  7.96 2.34e-07   0.00172 7.08
   8082012  7.91 2.56e-07   0.00172 7.00
   7952290  7.66 4.04e-07   0.00172 6.59
   8096070 -7.48 5.67e-07   0.00172 6.28
   7961693  7.45 6.04e-07   0.00172 6.22
   8072015  7.40 6.60e-07   0.00172 6.14


Figure 9. Histogram of the p–values for ulcerative colitis.

table(table_UC$adj.P.Val < 0.05)

   14346  2260

table(table_UC$P.Value < 0.001)

   15633   973

hist(table_UC$P.Value, col = brewer.pal(3, name = "Set2")[2],
      main = "inflammed vs non-imflamed - Ulcerative colitis", xlab = "p-values")

Comparison to the paper results

We now compare our list of differentially expressed genes to the results obtained in the paper. The paper results can be downloaded as excel files from We save it in an .xlsx file named palmieri_DE_res.xlsx. The paper results are given as identified differentially expressed genes with a p–value less than 0.001, which corresponds to an FDR of 0.05 in Crohn’s disease and 0.02 in ulcerative colitis. There are four tables in total giving the list of up and downregulated genes in CD and UC respectively. In the code below, we extract the gene symbols from the excel table and then compare them to the differentially expressed genes we identify at a p–value of 0.001.

palmieri_DE_res <- sapply(1:4, function(i) read.xlsx(cols = 1,
							  sheet = i, startRow = 4))
names(palmieri_DE_res) <- c("CD_UP", "CD_DOWN", "UC_UP", "UC_DOWN")
palmieri_DE_res <- lapply(palmieri_DE_res, as.character)
paper_DE_genes_CD <- Reduce("c", palmieri_DE_res[1:2])
paper_DE_genes_UC <- Reduce("c", palmieri_DE_res[3:4])

overlap_CD <- length(intersect(subset(table_CD, P.Value < 0.001)$SYMBOL,
			       paper_DE_genes_CD)) / length(paper_DE_genes_CD)

overlap_UC <- length(intersect(subset(table_UC, P.Value < 0.001)$SYMBOL,
			       paper_DE_genes_UC)) / length(paper_DE_genes_UC)

   [1] 0.678


   [1] 0.692

We see that we get a moderate overlap of 0.678 for CD and 0.692 for UC. Note that is recommended to always to choose an FDR cutoff instead of a p–value cutoff, since this way you control an explicitly defined error rate and the results are easier to interpret and to compare. In what follows, we choose an FDR cutoff of 10%.


Figure 10. Selecting a background set of genes for the gene ontology analysis.

Gene ontology (GO) based enrichment analysis

We can now try characterize the identified differentially expressed genes a bit better by performing an GO enrichment analysis. Essentially the gene ontology ( is a hierarchically organized collection of functional gene sets1618.

Matching the background set of genes

The function genefinder from the genefilter19 will be used to find a background set of genes that are similar in expression to the differentially expressed genes. We then check whether the background has roughly the same distribution of average expression strength as the foreground.

We do this in order not to select a biased background since the gene set testing is performed by a simple Fisher test on a 2×2 table. Note that this approach is very similar to commonly used web tools like GOrilla20. Here we focus on the CD subset of the data.

For every differentially expressed gene, we try to find genes with similar expression.

DE_genes_CD <- subset(table_CD, adj.P.Val < 0.1)$PROBEID

back_genes_idx <- genefinder(palmieri_final, as.character(DE_genes_CD),
			 method="manhattan", scale="none")

back_genes_idx <- sapply(back_genes_idx, function(x)x$indices)

back_genes <-featureNames(palmieri_final)[back_genes_idx]
back_genes <- setdiff(back_genes, DE_genes_CD)

intersect(back_genes, DE_genes_CD)



   [1] 8441

         all=  table_CD[,"AveExpr"] ,
         fore= table_CD[DE_genes_CD , "AveExpr"],
         back= table_CD[rownames(table_CD) %in% back_genes, "AveExpr"]),
         col = c("#e46981", "#ae7ee2", "#a7ad4a"),
     xlab="mean expression",
   main = "DE genes for CD - background - matching")

We can see that the matching returned a sensible result and can now perform the actual testing. For this purpose we use the topGO which implements a nice interface to Fisher testing and also has additional algorithms taking the GO structure into account, by e.g. only reporting the most specific gene set in the hierarchy21.

The GO has three top ontologies, cellular component (CC), biological processes (BP), and molecular function (MF). For illustrative purposes we limit ourselves to the BP category here.

Running topGO

We first create a factor all_genes which indicates for every gene in our background/universe, whether it is differentially expressed or not.

gene_IDs <- rownames(table_CD)
in_universe <- gene_IDs %in% c(DE_genes_CD ,  back_genes)
inSelection <-  gene_IDs %in% DE_genes_CD
all_genes <- factor(as.integer(inSelection[in_universe]))
names(all_genes) <- gene_IDs[in_universe]

We now initialize the topGO data set, using the GO annotations contained in the annotation data base for the chip we are using. The nodeSize parameter specifies a minimum size of a GO category we want to use: i.e. here categories with less than 10 genes are not included in the testing.

ont <- "BP"

top_GO_data <- new("topGOdata", ontology = ont, allGenes = all_genes,
 nodeSize = 10, annot=annFUN.db, affyLib = "hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db")

Now the tests can be run. topGO offers a wide range of options, for details see the paper or the package vignette.

We run two common tests: an ordinary Fisher test for every GO category, and the “elim” algorithm, which tries to incorporate the hierarchical structure of the GO and tries “decorrelate” it in order to report the most specific significant term in the hierarchy.

The algorithm starts processing the nodes/GO categories from the highest (bottommost) level and then iteratively moves to nodes from a lower level. If a node is scored as significant, all of its genes are marked as removed in all ancestor nodes. This way, the “elim” algorithm aims at finding the most specific node for every gene.

The tests uses a 0.01 p–value cutoff by default.

result_top_GO_elim <- runTest(top_GO_data, algorithm = "elim", statistic = "Fisher")
result_top_GO_classic <- runTest(top_GO_data, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "Fisher")

We can now inspect the results. We look at the top 100 GO categories according to the “Fisher elim” algorithm. The function GenTable produces a table of significant GO categories, the function printGenes gives significant genes annotated to them.

res_top_GO <- GenTable(top_GO_data, Fisher.elim = result_top_GO_elim,
         Fisher.classic = result_top_GO_classic,
         orderBy = "Fisher.elim" , topNodes = 100)

genes_top_GO <- printGenes(top_GO_data, whichTerms = res_top_GO$GO.ID,
     chip = "hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db", geneCutOff = 1000)

res_top_GO$sig_genes <- sapply(genes_top_GO, function(x){
		  str_c(paste0(x[x$'raw p-value' == 2, ""],";"), collapse = "")

head(res_top_GO[,1:8], 20)

           GO.ID					Term Annotated Significant
   1  GO:0006954 		       inflammatory response       411         191
   2  GO:0006955 			     immune response      1221         448
   3  GO:0050853           B cell receptor signaling pathway        64          36
   4  GO:0006805                xenobiotic metabolic process        91          46
   5  GO:0006958    complement activation, classical pathway        38          25
   6  GO:0006911                    phagocytosis, engulfment        50          30
   7  GO:0006910                   phagocytosis, recognition        30          21
   8  GO:0042742               defense response to bacterium       123          61
   9  GO:0007186 G-protein coupled receptor signaling pat...       421         154
   10 GO:0032496              response to lipopolysaccharide       233         106
   11 GO:0050871    positive regulation of B cell activation        69          36
   12 GO:0016525         negative regulation of angiogenesis        51          29
   13 GO:0051897 positive regulation of protein kinase B ...        58          31
   14 GO:0006635                   fatty acid beta-oxidation        54          32
   15 GO:0070098        chemokine-mediated signaling pathway        48          27
   16 GO:0014068 positive regulation of phosphatidylinosi...        43          25
   17 GO:0006898               receptor-mediated endocytosis       204          80
   18 GO:0048661 positive regulation of smooth muscle cel...        51          28
   19 GO:0030199                collagen fibril organization        34          21
   20 GO:0030335       positive regulation of cell migration       273         127
      Expected Rank in Fisher.classic Fisher.elim Fisher.classic
   1     102.61                     6     1.3e-10        3.5e-22
   2     304.84                     4     7.7e-08        9.7e-23
   3      15.98                   162     8.6e-08        8.6e-08
   4      22.72                   171     1.2e-07        1.2e-07
   5       9.49                   173     1.2e-07        1.2e-07
   6      12.48                   176     1.5e-07        1.5e-07
   7       7.49                   185     2.6e-07        2.6e-07
   8      30.71                   114     2.7e-07        2.8e-09
   9     105.11                   147     4.0e-07        4.1e-08
   10     58.17                    66     9.1e-07        4.5e-12
   11     17.23                   216     1.0e-06        1.0e-06
   12     12.73                   219     1.1e-06        1.1e-06
   13     14.48                   242     3.0e-06        3.0e-06
   14     13.48                   161     3.3e-06        8.5e-08
   15     11.98                   251     3.6e-06        3.6e-06
   16     10.74                   252     3.6e-06        3.6e-06
   17     50.93                   255     4.0e-06        4.0e-06
   18     12.73                   263     4.5e-06        4.5e-06
   19      8.49                   279     5.8e-06        5.8e-06
   20     68.16                    35     6.2e-06        4.0e-15

Visualization of the GO–analysis results

A graph of the results can also be produced. Here we visualize the three most significant nodes according to the Fisher elim algorithm in the context of the GO hierarchy.

showSigOfNodes(top_GO_data, score(result_top_GO_elim), firstSigNodes = 3,
		 useInfo = 'def')

We can see that indeed GO categories related to inflammation, signalling and immune response show up as significant. Gene set enrichment analysis has been a field of very extensive research in bioinformatics. For additional approaches see the topGO vignette and the references therein and also in the GeneSetEnrichment view.

A pathway enrichment analysis using reactome

The package ReactomePA offers the possibility to test enrichment of specific pathways using the free, open-source, curated and peer reviewed pathway Reactome pathway database22,23. The package requires entrez identifiers, so we convert our PROBEIDs (trancript cluster identifiers) to entrez identifiers using the function mapIDs from the package AnnotationDbi. This will create a named vector that maps the PROBEIDs to the entrez ones.

entrez_ids <- mapIds(hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db,
      keys = rownames(table_CD),
      column = "ENTREZID")

We can now run the enrichment analysis that performs a statistical test based on the hypergeoemtric distribution that is the same as a one sided Fisher–test, which topGO calls “Fisher–classic”. Details can be found in the vignette of the DOSE package24.

reactome_enrich <- enrichPathway(gene = entrez_ids[DE_genes_CD],
                                   universe = entrez_ids[c(DE_genes_CD,
                                   organism = "human",
                                   pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                                   qvalueCutoff = 0.9,
                                   readable = TRUE)

reactome_enrich@result$Description <- paste0(str_sub(
				    reactome_enrich@result$Description, 1, 20),


Figure 11. A graphical representation of the topGO results.

                ID             Description GeneRatio  BgRatio   pvalue p.adjust
   380108   380108 Chemokine receptors ...   23/1121  33/3919 1.07e-06 0.000816
   71406     71406 Pyruvate metabolism ...   22/1121  34/3919 1.21e-05 0.003710
   1474244 1474244 Extracellular matrix...   71/1121 162/3919 1.75e-05 0.003710
   556833   556833 Metabolism of lipids...  126/1121 325/3919 2.37e-05 0.003710
   216083   216083 Integrin cell surfac...   32/1121  59/3919 2.78e-05 0.003710
   535734   535734 Fatty acid, triacylg...   41/1121  82/3919 2.92e-05 0.003710

Note that we trimmed pathway names to 20 characters.

Visualizing the reactome based analysis results

The reactomePA package offers nice visualization capabilities. The top pathways can be displayed as a bar char that displays all categories with a p–value below the specified cutoff.


The “enrichment map” displays the results of the enrichment analysis as a graph, where the color represents the p–value of the pathway and the edge–thickness is proportional to the number of overlapping genes between two pathways.

enrichMap(reactome_enrich, n = 10, vertex.label.font = 2)

Again, we see pathways related to signalling and immune response.

The package clusterProfiler25 can also perform these analyses using downloaded KEGG data. Furthermore, the package EnrichmentBrowser26 additionally offers network–based enrichment analysis of individual pathways. This allows the mapping of the expression data at hand to known regulatory interactions.


Figure 12. Enriched Reactome pathways and their p–values as a bar chart.


Figure 13. Enriched Reactome pathways enrichment results as a graph.

Session information

As the last part of this document, we call the function sessionInfo, which reports the version numbers of R and all the packages used in this session. It is good practice to always keep such a record of this as it will help to track down what has happened in case an R script ceases to work or gives different results because the functions have been changed in a newer version of one of your packages. By including it at the bottom of a script, your reports will become more reproducible.

The session information should also always be included in any emails to the Bioconductor support site along with all code used in the analysis.


   R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03)
   Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
   Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS

    [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
    [3] LC_TIME=de_DE.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
    [7] LC_PAPER=de_DE.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
    [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

   attached base packages:
    [1] grid      stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils
    [8] datasets  methods   base

   other attached packages:
    [1] bibtex_0.4.0 			     knitcitations_1.0.7
    [3] Rgraphviz_2.16.0		     EnrichmentBrowser_2.2.2
    [5] pathview_1.12.0			     GSEABase_1.34.0
    [7] devtools_1.11.1			     openxlsx_3.0.0
    [9] clusterProfiler_3.0.2	 	     ReactomePA_1.16.2
   [11] DOSE_2.10.2 			     limma_3.28.5
   [13] multcomp_1.4-5 			     TH.data_1.0-7
   [15] MASS_7.3-45 			     survival_2.39-4
   [17] DAAG_1.22 			     mvtnorm_1.0-5
   [19] pheatmap_1.0.8 			     hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db_8.4.0
   [23] RSQLite_1.0.0 			     DBI_0.4-1
   [25] biomaRt_2.28.0 			     genefilter_1.54.2
   [27] topGO_2.24.0 			     SparseM_1.7
   [29] GO.db_3.3.0 			     graph_1.50.0
   [31] matrixStats_0.50.2 		     stringr_1.0.0
   [33] arrayQualityMetrics_3.28.2           ArrayExpress_1.32.0
   [35] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 		     gplots_3.0.1
   [37] LSD_3.0 			     dplyr_0.4.3
   [39] ggplot2_2.1.0 			     geneplotter_1.50.0
   [41] annotate_1.50.0 		     XML_3.98-1.4
   [43] AnnotationDbi_1.34.3 		     lattice_0.20-33
   [45] oligo_1.36.1 			     Biostrings_2.40.1
   [47] XVector_0.12.0 			     oligoClasses_1.34.0
   [49] DESeq2_1.12.3 			     SummarizedExperiment_1.2.2
   [51] GenomicRanges_1.24.0 		     GenomeInfoDb_1.8.1
   [53] IRanges_2.6.0 			     S4Vectors_0.10.1
   [55] Biobase_2.32.0 			     BiocGenerics_0.18.0
   [57] knitr_1.13 			     BiocStyle_2.0.2

   loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
     [1] R.utils_2.3.0 		       beadarray_2.22.2
     [3] BiocParallel_1.6.2 	       munsell_0.4.3
     [5] codetools_0.2-14 	       preprocessCore_1.34.0
     [7] chron_2.3-47 		       withr_1.0.1
     [9] colorspace_1.2-6 	       GOSemSim_1.30.2
    [11] BiocInstaller_1.22.2 	       Category_2.38.0
    [13] OrganismDbi_1.14.1 	       setRNG_2013.9-1
    [15] labeling_0.3 		       KEGGgraph_1.30.0
    [17] hwriter_1.3.2 		       biovizBase_1.20.0
    [19] affxparser_1.44.0 	       R6_2.1.2
    [21] illuminaio_0.14.0 	       gridSVG_1.5-0
    [23] RJSONIO_1.3-0 		       locfit_1.5-9.1
    [25] bitops_1.0-6 		       reshape_0.8.5
    [27] assertthat_0.1 	       scales_0.4.0
    [29] nnet_7.3-12 		       gtable_0.2.0
    [31] Cairo_1.5-9 		       affy_1.50.0
    [33] ggbio_1.20.1 		       sandwich_2.3-4
    [35] ensembldb_1.4.3 	       splines_3.3.0
    [37] lazyeval_0.1.10 	       rtracklayer_1.32.0
    [39] acepack_1.3-3.3 	       dichromat_2.0-0
    [41] yaml_2.1.13 		       reshape2_1.4.1
    [43] SVGAnnotation_0.93-1 	       GenomicFeatures_1.24.2
    [45] httpuv_1.3.3 		       qvalue_2.4.2
    [47] Hmisc_3.17-4 		       RBGL_1.48.1
    [49] tools_3.3.0 		       affyio_1.42.0
    [51] ff_2.2-13 		       Rcpp_0.12.5
    [53] plyr_1.8.3 		       zlibbioc_1.18.0
    [55] RCurl_1.95-4.8 	       rpart_4.1-10
    [57] openssl_0.9.4 		       zoo_1.7-13
    [59] cluster_2.0.4 		       magrittr_1.5
    [61] data.table_1.9.6 	       DO.db_2.9
    [63] reactome.db_1.55.0 	       mime_0.4
    [65] evaluate_0.9 		       xtable_1.8-2
    [67] gcrma_2.44.0 		       gridExtra_2.2.1
    [69] KernSmooth_2.23-15 	       R.oo_1.20.0
    [71] ReportingTools_2.12.2 	       htmltools_0.3.5
    [73] GOstats_2.38.0 	       Formula_1.2-1
    [75] tidyr_0.4.1 		       lubridate_1.5.6
    [77] formatR_1.4 		       rappdirs_0.3.1
    [79] Matrix_1.2-6 		       vsn_3.40.0
    [81] R.methodsS3_1.7.1 	       gdata_2.17.0
    [83] igraph_1.0.1 		       GenomicAlignments_1.8.0
    [85] RefManageR_0.10.13 	       foreign_0.8-66
    [87] foreach_1.4.3 		       BeadDataPackR_1.24.2
    [89] affyPLM_1.48.0 	       AnnotationForge_1.14.2
    [91] VariantAnnotation_1.18.1      digest_0.6.9
    [93] rmarkdown_0.9.6 	       base64_2.0
    [95] edgeR_3.14.0 		       shiny_0.13.2
    [97] Rsamtools_1.24.0 	       gtools_3.5.0
    [99] graphite_1.18.0 	       PFAM.db_3.3.0
   [101] BSgenome_1.40.0 	       GGally_1.0.1
   [103] KEGGREST_1.12.2 	       httr_1.1.0
   [105] interactiveDisplayBase_1.10.3 png_0.1-7
   [107] iterators_1.0.8 	       bit_1.1-12
   [109] stringi_1.1.1 		       AnnotationHub_2.4.2
   [111] latticeExtra_0.6-28 	       caTools_1.17.1
   [113] memoise_1.0.0

Dataset 1.R markdown document to reproduce the results obtained in the article.
This file allows the reader to reproduce the analysis results obtained in the article.

Data and software availability

This article is based on an R markdown file (MA-Workflow.Rmd) which is available as Dataset 1 (Dataset 1. R markdown document to reproduce the results obtained in the article, 10.5256/f1000research.8967.d124759)31 and will also become available as a Bioconductor workflow. This file allows the reader to reproduce the analysis results obtained in this article. All data analyzed are downloaded from ArrayExpress.

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how to cite this article
Klaus B. An end to end workflow for differential gene expression using Affymetrix microarrays [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations] F1000Research 2016, 5:1384 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
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Open Peer Review

Current Reviewer Status: ?
Key to Reviewer Statuses VIEW
ApprovedThe paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 1
PUBLISHED 15 Jun 2016
Reviewer Report 08 Jul 2016
Andrea Rau, UMR 1313 GABI (Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology), French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Jouy-en-Josas, France 
Klaus illustrates an analysis workflow of Affymetrix microarrays for an experimental design with paired samples from two tissues in two separate diseases. The workflow covers steps including downloading and loading raw CEL files into R/Bioconductor, pre-processing and normalization, differential analysis ... Continue reading
Rau A. Reviewer Report For: An end to end workflow for differential gene expression using Affymetrix microarrays [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2016, 5:1384 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 03 Jul 2018
    Bernd Klaus, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 69117, Germany
    03 Jul 2018
    Author Response
    Klaus illustrates an analysis workflow of Affymetrix microarrays for an experimental design with paired samples from two tissues in two separate diseases. The workflow covers steps including downloading and loading ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 03 Jul 2018
    Bernd Klaus, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 69117, Germany
    03 Jul 2018
    Author Response
    Klaus illustrates an analysis workflow of Affymetrix microarrays for an experimental design with paired samples from two tissues in two separate diseases. The workflow covers steps including downloading and loading ... Continue reading
Reviewer Report 05 Jul 2016
James W. MacDonald, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA 
Approved with Reservations
This manuscript is intended to take the reader through a complete analysis of Affymetrix Gene ST arrays, based on a set of arrays downloaded from ArrayExpress. The author covers each step from quality control of the raw data all the ... Continue reading
MacDonald JW. Reviewer Report For: An end to end workflow for differential gene expression using Affymetrix microarrays [version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2016, 5:1384 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 03 Jul 2018
    Bernd Klaus, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 69117, Germany
    03 Jul 2018
    Author Response
    # Major comments

    ## comment 1

        While this manuscript is technically correct (e.g., the code does what the author claims, the explanatory text is valid), I am ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 03 Jul 2018
    Bernd Klaus, EMBL Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 69117, Germany
    03 Jul 2018
    Author Response
    # Major comments

    ## comment 1

        While this manuscript is technically correct (e.g., the code does what the author claims, the explanatory text is valid), I am ... Continue reading

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Version 2
Alongside their report, reviewers assign a status to the article:
Approved - the paper is scientifically sound in its current form and only minor, if any, improvements are suggested
Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
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