Uprawnieni użytkownicy

74: 157-168

Lina Straigytė, Gunta Cekstere, Maris Laivins, Vitas Marozas
The spread, intensity and invasivenessof the Acer negundo in Riga and Kaunas

Dendrobiology 2015, vol. 74: 157-168

Full text (pdf)


Ashleaf Maple (Acer negundo L.) was first introduced in Latvia and Lithuania at the beginning of the 19th century. It is the most widely distributed alien maple species to be found in the parks and greeneries of Riga and Kaunas. In recent decades, the spread and invasion of this species has been observed. The aim of this research was to determine the extent and effects of the invasiveness A. negundo in Riga and Kaunas. The degree of invasion by this species’ was estimated by applying the Pest Plant Prioritization Process, which is based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process method. The results showed that the invasive degree of box elder was very high (0.788); the present compared to potential distribution rating was medium high (0.71) and the social, environmental and economic impact score was low (0.23). The Final Pest Plant Score for A. negundo was medium (0.4506). The obtained estimates indicated that box elder was invasive and was able to spread rapidly into new riparian areas.

Additional key words: Ashleaf maple, spread, invasiveness, Pest Plant Score


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