Analysis on effect of gully control and land reclamation projects on carbon emission in hilly and gully regions of Loess Plateau
投稿时间:2017-07-18  修订日期:2017-10-16
中文关键词: 治沟造地  土地整理  碳排放  黄土高原沟壑区
英文关键词: gully control and land reclamation  land consolidation  carbon emission  hilly and gully regions of the Loess Plateau
雷娜 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所, 陕西 杨凌 712100
陕西省土地工程建设集团有限责任公司, 西安 710075 
穆兴民 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室, 陕西 杨凌 712100
中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所, 陕西 杨凌 712100 
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      为研究黄土丘陵沟壑区治沟造地工程碳效应,运用IPCC碳排放测算方法以及国家地质调查总局制定的《多目标区域地球化学调查规范》中的采样方法实地采样,分析治沟造地工程中土地平整、灌溉与排水、田间道路工程、农田防护与生态环境保护等主要工程及工程实施后土地利用类型变化导致的碳排放。结果表明:延安市南泥湾镇治沟造地工程施工导致的碳排放量为3.76 t·hm-2,表现为碳源效应。其中对碳排放贡献最大的是土地平整工程,碳排放量为2 335.50 t,农田防护工程碳排放最小,不产生碳排放。治沟造地工程实施后土地利用类型变化使碳储量增加95.34 t·hm-2,表现为碳汇效应。其中耕地面积增加使碳储量增加了1 119.72 t·hm-2,水田的碳储量增加量最多,为716.54 t·hm-2;园地、交通运输用地、水域及水利设施面积减少导致碳储量减少了1 024.38 t·hm-2,水域及水利设施用地碳储量减少量最多,为807.50 t·hm-2。治沟造地工程实施后土地利用类型变化的碳储量抵消了工程施工产生的碳排放,碳储量为91.58 t·hm-2。研究表明,治沟造地工程总体上表现为碳汇效应,有利于区域碳储量的增加。
      Hilly and gully regions comprise the main loess landforms of the Loess Plateau in China. These landforms are a result of the loose texture of soil, serious destruction of the ecological system and vegetation, and rainwater erosion of the surface during the rainy season. A gully control and land reclamation project aimed at special features on the Loess Plateau has been undertaken in the hilly and gully regions in Yan'an. This project integrated dam system construction, old dam reparation, saline-alkali land reform, waste valleys idle-land utilization, and ecological construction as a new model of gully management. The gully control and land reclamation project includes land leveling engineering, irrigation and drainage engineering, field road engineering, and farmland protection and ecological protection engineering; thus, the implementation of the project will affect carbon emissions regionally. Recent research have mainly focused on changes in carbon emissions resulting from different land use types and low carbon emission from land-use by measures such as land planning. However, research on carbon emissions in land improvement engineering are still in the exploration stage. The study analysis of carbon emissions from the gully control and land reclamation project and changes in carbon emissions before and after regulation have not been conducted so far. In order to study the effect of the project on carbon emission in the hilly and gully regions of the Loess Plateau, this study analyzed changes in carbon emissions caused by land leveling, irrigation and drainage, road construction, farmland protection, and land use using carbon emission measurements from IPCC and the sampling method from the multipurpose regional geochemical investigation and specification compiled by the China Geological Survey. Changes before and after the project were also analyzed supporting by the practice of gully control and land reclamation in Nanniwan Town, Yan'an. The main results of this study are as follows:Carbon emissions from the construction sector was 3.76 t·hm-2, showing the effect of carbon source. One of the biggest contributors to carbon emissions was land leveling(2 335.50 t). The minimum amount of carbon emissions was by farmland protection engineering as 0 t·hm-2. After the implementation of the project, changes in land use types increased carbon storage by 95.34 t·hm-2, showing the effect of carbon sink. Because cultivation area increased, carbon reserves increased by 1 119.72 t·hm-2, and that of paddy fields increased the most by 716.54 t·hm-2. The carbon reserves were reduced by 1 024.38 t·hm-2 because of the reduction of garden land and construction of transportation and water conservancy facilities; the reduction caused by the construction of water facilities on water and land up to 807.50 t·hm-2. Changes in land use type after the implementation of the gully control and land reclamation project offset the carbon emissions from the construction sector. The carbon reserves of the project increased by 91.58 t·hm-2. Our results indicated that the gully control and land reclamation project had a carbon sink effect overall, which is beneficial to the increase of regional carbon reserves.
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