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Scalable deep learning for healthcare: methods and applications

Published:07 August 2022Publication History


This paper provides an overview on scalable deep learning platforms and how they are used in medical context. An introduction highlights the key factors, then an overview on medical context is provided. Afterwards, the basic concepts about deep learning and parallel and distributed computing are briefly recalled. Then a specific deep learning library for medical applications is described. The last part of the paper is focused on a real use case application of deep learning on medical data. As a result, the main contribution of this paper is a short survey on main scalable deep learning platforms with a first analysis of their features, and the description of a practical example.


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  1. Scalable deep learning for healthcare: methods and applications



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                BCB '22: Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics
                August 2022
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