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Judging the Credibility of Information Gathered from Face-to-Face Interactions

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Published:01 July 2010Publication History
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One of the most pernicious threats to information quality comes through perpetration of deception by information suppliers. Deception undermines many critical dimensions of information quality, such as accuracy, completeness, and believability. Despite this threat, information gatherers are ill equipped to assess the credibility of information suppliers. This work presents a prototype system that examines messages gathered during direct, face-to-face information gathering. The system unobtrusively identifies kinesic and linguistic features that may indicate deception in information suppliers’ messages. System use was found to significantly improve assessment ability in between-subjects and within-subjects tests. The improved ability to accurately assess credibility during face-to-face interactions should yield higher information quality.


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  1. Judging the Credibility of Information Gathered from Face-to-Face Interactions



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        Journal of Data and Information Quality  Volume 2, Issue 1
        July 2010
        110 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Publication History

        • Published: 1 July 2010
        • Accepted: 1 March 2010
        • Revised: 1 September 2009
        • Received: 1 May 2008
        Published in jdiq Volume 2, Issue 1


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