Original paper

New species of Penzigomyces, Sporidesmium and Stanjehughesia from plant debris in Spain

Mena-Portales, Julio; Hernández-Restrepo, Margarita; Guarro, Josep; Minter, David W.; Gené, Josepa

Nova Hedwigia Band 103 Heft 3-4 (2016), p. 359 - 371

published: Nov 1, 2016

DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2016/0355

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Four new species of Sporidesmium complex collected on plant debris in different protected areas of the Iberian Peninsula are described and illustrated. Penzigomyces basiacutus is characterized by its obclavate to rostrate conidia with a narrowly obconic-truncate basal cell and verruculose apical cell. Sporidesmium corniculatum is distinguished from other species of the genus by its occasional furcate and only transversely septate conidia and Sporidesmium tunicatum by its obclavate to rostrate, verrucose conidia with an apical mucilaginous sheath tunica. Stanjehughesia obclavorostrata is distinguished by its obclavate to rostrate conidia with the basal cell sometimes darker than the rest.


spainhyphomycetesanamorphic fungitaxonomy