Original paper

Talaromyces systylus, a new synnematous species from Argentinean semi-arid soil

Romero, Stella Maris; Romero, Andrea Irene; Barrera, Viviana; Comerio, Ricardo

Nova Hedwigia Band 102 Heft 1-2 (2016), p. 241 - 256

published: Feb 1, 2016

DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2015/0306

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ArtNo. ESP050010201014, Price: 29.00 €

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The discovery of an interesting new synnematous Talaromyces species from Argentinean semi-arid soil has enlarged the number of synnema-producing species. Talaromyces systylus sp. nov. is characterized by the production of indeterminate synnemata on Malt Extract Agar and coarsely rough-walled, globose conidia and conidial chains arranged in columns. The optimal growing temperature was 30°C. Talaromyces systylus was compared with other related species phylogenetically based on ITS, BenA and CaM markers.


penicillium subgenus biverticilliumeurotialessynnemataascomycetes