Original paper

Silica-scaled chrysophytes from West Java (Indonesia) including description of a new Chrysosphaerella species

Kapustin, Dmitry A.; Gusev, Evgeniy S.

Nova Hedwigia, Beihefte Beih. 148 (2019), p. 11 - 20

25 references

published: Feb 27, 2019

DOI: 10.1127/nova-suppl/2019/025

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Silica-scaled chrysophytes of Indonesia are scarcely known. An investigation of seven lakes in West Java revealed nineteen species of silica-scaled chrysophytes; three species (Mallomonas tonsurata, Mallomonas splendens and Spiniferomonas trioralis) have previously been reported from Indonesian freshwaters, while the other sixteen species are recorded for the first time from Indonesia and includes some regional endemics. Four taxa were not identified with confidence and their differences from known species with similar morphology are briefly discussed. A new combination and taxonomic status for Mallomonas cyathelata var. kenyana Wujek & Asmund are proposed. A new species, Chrysosphaerella nichollsii, is described and is distinguished from C. astrea and C. enigmata by having a spine scale with a distinctly wider secondary base-plate than the primary one.


silica-scaled chrysophytesJavaIndonesianew speciesChrysosphaerella nichollsiiregional endemics