Original paper

Ferro- and magnesiocarpholite assemblages as record of high-P, low-Γ metamorphism in the Central Alpujarrides, Betic Cordillera (SE Spain)

Azañón, Jose Miguel; Goffé, Bruno

European Journal of Mineralogy Volume 9 Number 5 (1997), p. 1035 - 1052

60 references

published: Sep 24, 1997
manuscript accepted: Mar 25, 1997
manuscript received: Mar 9, 1994

DOI: 10.1127/ejm/9/5/1035

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Abstract Ferro- and magnesiocarpholite are widespread in the Alpujarride Complex of the Betic Cordillera, in syn-metamorphic quartz veins within highly aluminous Permo-Triassic metapelites. These minerals occur in pyrophyllite-chlorite-, pyrophyllite-chlorite-chloritoid-, kyanite-chlorite- and kyanite-chloritoid-chlorite-bearing assemblages. Aragonite occurs also in the ferrocarpholite-pyrophyllite-chlorite-chloritoid assemblages. These assemblages record Alpine (pre-Miocene) prograde metamorphic evolution towards high-pressure, lowtemperature conditions of the blueschist facies. The P-T formation conditions, calculated in the reduced FMASH system using a thermodynamical data base and actual compositions of chloritoid, carpholite and chlorite, range from 7 kbar, 300-350°C up to 11 kbar and 400-450°C. These values place important constraints on the metamorphic conditions in the Alpujarride Complex, which approach those observed in the underlying Nevado-Filabride Complex


ferrocarpholitemagnesiocarpholitekyanitehigh-pressure metamorphismBetic ChainSpain