21 June 2011 Side-looking image formation with a maneuvering vehicle-mounted antenna array
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Researchers at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) designed and fabricated the Synchronous Impulse REconstruction (SIRE) radar system in an effort to address fundamental questions about the utilization of low frequency, ultrawideband (UWB) radar. The SIRE system includes a receive array comprising 16 receive channels, and it is capable of operating in either a forward-looking or a side-looking mode. When operated in side-looking mode, it is capable of producing high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The SAR imaging algorithms, however, initially operated under the assumption that the vehicle followed a nearly linear trajectory throughout the data collection. Under this assumption, the introduction of vehicle path nonlinearities distorted the processed SAR imagery. In an effort to mitigate these effects, we first incorporated segmentation routines to eliminate highly non-linear portions of the path. We then enhanced the image formation algorithm, enabling it to process data collected from a non-linear vehicle trajectory. We describe the incorporated segmentation approaches and compare the imagery created before and after their incorporation. Next, we describe the modified image formation algorithm and present examples of output imagery produced by it. Finally, we compare imagery produced by the initial segmentation algorithm to imagery produced by the modified image-formation algorithm, highlighting the effects of segmentation parameter variation on the final SAR image.
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Kenneth Ranney, Lam Nguyen, Francois Koenig, Getachew Kirose, Anthony Martone, Gregory Mazzaro, Kelly Sherbondy, Chi Tran, and Karl Kappra "Side-looking image formation with a maneuvering vehicle-mounted antenna array", Proc. SPIE 8021, Radar Sensor Technology XV, 80211W (21 June 2011);
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Synthetic aperture radar


Image segmentation

Image acquisition

Image processing

Global Positioning System

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