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Iodine-enhanced synchrotron stereotactic radiotherapy takes advantage of the radiation dose-enhancement produced by high-Z elements when irradiated with mono-energetic beams of synchrotron X-rays. In this study it has been investigated whether therapeutic efficacy could be improved using a thymidine analogue, 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (IUdR), as a radiosentizing agent. IUdR was administered intracerebrally over six days to F98 glioma-bearing rats using Alzet osmotic pumps, beginning seven days after tumor implantation. On the 14th day, a single 15 Gy dose of 50 keV synchrotron X-rays was delivered to the brain. Animals were followed until the time of death and the primary endpoints of this study were the mean and median survival times. The median survival times for irradiation alone, chemotherapy alone or their combination were 44, 32 and 46 days, respectively, compared with 24 days for untreated controls. Each treatment alone significantly increased the rats' survival in comparison with the untreated group. Their combination did not, however, significantly improve survival compared with that of X-irradiation alone or chemotherapy alone. Further studies are required to understand why the combination of chemoradiotherapy was no more effective than X-irradiation alone.

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