Families of graphs with chromatic zeros lying on circles

Robert Shrock and Shan-Ho Tsai
Phys. Rev. E 56, 1342 – Published 1 August 1997
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We define an infinite set of families of graphs, which we call p-wheels and denote (Wh)n(p), that generalize the wheel (p=1) and biwheel (p=2) graphs. The chromatic polynomial for (Wh)n(p) is calculated, and remarkably simple properties of the chromatic zeros are found: (i) the real zeros occur at q=0,1,,p+1 for np even and q=0,1,,p+2 for np odd; and (ii) the complex zeros all lie, equally spaced, on the unit circle |q(p+1)|=1 in the complex q plane. In the n limit, the zeros on this circle merge to form a boundary curve separating two regions where the limiting function W({(Wh)(p)},q) is analytic, viz., the exterior and interior of the above circle. Connections with statistical mechanics are noted.

  • Received 12 March 1997


©1997 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Robert Shrock and Shan-Ho Tsai

  • Institute for Theoretical Physics, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-3840

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Vol. 56, Iss. 2 — August 1997

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