Gauge symmetry in phase space with spin, a basis for conformal symmetry and duality among many interactions

Itzhak Bars and Cemsinan Deliduman
Phys. Rev. D 58, 106004 – Published 8 October 1998
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We show that a simple OSp(1/2) world line gauge theory in 0-brane phase space XM(τ),PM(τ) with spin degrees of freedom ψM(τ), formulated for a (d+2)-dimensional spacetime with two times X0(τ),X0(τ), unifies many physical systems which ordinarily are described by a one-time formulation. Different systems of one-time physics emerge by choosing gauges that embed ordinary time in d+2 dimensions in different ways. The embeddings have different topology and geometry for the choice of time among the d+2 dimensions. Thus, two-time physics unifies an infinite number of one-time physical interacting systems, and establishes a kind of duality among them. One manifestation of the two times is that all of these physical systems have the same quantum Hilbert space in the form of a unique representation of SO(d,2) with the same Casimir eigenvalues. By changing the number of spinning degrees of freedom ψaM(τ), a=1,2,,n (including no spin n=0), the gauge group changes to OSp(n/2). Then the eigenvalue of the Casimir operators of SO(d,2) depend on n and the content of the one-time physical systems that are unified in the same representation depend on n. The models we study raise new questions about the nature of spacetime.

  • Received 18 June 1998


©1998 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Itzhak Bars and Cemsinan Deliduman

  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-0484

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Vol. 58, Iss. 10 — 15 November 1998

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