Deuteron binding energies and form factors from light-front Hamiltonian field theory

Jason R. Cooke and Gerald A. Miller
Phys. Rev. C 66, 034002 – Published 27 September 2002
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This paper investigates how the breaking of manifest rotational invariance in light-front dynamics affects the binding energy and the form factors of the deuteron. To do this, we derive new light-front nucleon-nucleon one- and two-meson-exchange potentials, and use the potentials to solve for the deuteron wave function and binding energy. We find that including two-meson-exchange (TME) potentials partially repairs the broken rotational invariance of the one-meson-exchange (OME) potential. This is shown by a decrease in the binding energy difference of different m states of the deuteron. We calculate the matrix elements of the electromagnetic current using the deuteron wave functions obtained from the OME and OME+TME potentials. Rotational invariance requires that the matrix elements satisfy an angular condition, but in light-front dynamics that condition is only partially satisfied. The current matrix elements from the OME calculation satisfy the angular condition better than the ones from the OME+TME calculation. The matrix elements of the axial current satisfy the angular condition to the same extent regardless of which wave functions are used for the calculation. Finally, we find that at momentum transfers greater than about 2GeV2, the breaking of rotational invariance causes less uncertainty in the computed deuteron form factors than do the uncertainties in the nucleon form factors.

  • Received 17 December 2001


©2002 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Jason R. Cooke and Gerald A. Miller

  • Department of Physics, University of Washington, Box 351560, Seattle, Washington 98195-1560

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Vol. 66, Iss. 3 — September 2002

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