Relations among the quenching strengths of magnetic transitions due to the Δ isobar excitation in NZ nuclei

Hiroshi Toki
Phys. Rev. C 26, 1256 – Published 1 September 1982
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A possible excitation scheme of particle-hole states in NZ nuclei is worked out within the isospin formalism. Particle-hole states with a definite isospin are decomposed into 1p-1h (particle-hole), 2p-2h, and 3p-3h states. This decomposition enables us to relate transition strengths from the ground state to the excited states and those in the adjacent nuclei. The same thing is done for Δ isobar-hole states. Using these results, we obtain the relations among the quenching strengths of magnetic transitions in NZ nuclei. In particular, we apply these relations to the M1 states around Ca48 and Zr90 and compare the results with experimental data obtained by (p, n), (p, p), and (e, e) experiments on Ca48 and Zr90.

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Isospins, Δ isobar polarization.

  • Received 22 February 1982


©1982 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Hiroshi Toki

  • National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824

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Vol. 26, Iss. 3 — September 1982

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