Low-temperature behavior of the correlation length and the susceptibility of a quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet in two dimensions

Peter Kopietz and Sudip Chakravarty
Phys. Rev. B 40, 4858 – Published 1 September 1989
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The low-temperature behavior of quantum Heisenberg models can be obtained by combining a renormalization-group analysis of the quantum models with a Monte Carlo simulation of the corresponding classical model, where the ‘‘spins’’ are represented by unit vectors defined on a lattice. In this approach renormalization-group equations for the quantum models lead to an effective classical O(3) nonlinear σ model in appropriate regimes of the parameter space. In the present work we apply this technique, which was recently used by Chakravarty, Halperin, and Nelson to discuss the low-temperature behavior of quantum antiferromagnets, to ferromagnets and calculate the correlation length and the susceptibility of a two-dimensional quantum ferromagnet at low temperatures. The results obtained with this method are then compared with those obtained from a direct simulation of the spin S=1/2 quantum ferromagnet. Excellent agreement between the two approaches leads us to believe that the analytic expressions obtained in the renormalization-group method are accurate at low temperatures. This strengthens the validity of the procedure adopted for antiferromagnets as well, where no such simulation results are yet known. The present paper also further substantiates recent work on the properties of solid He3 in two dimensions.

  • Received 21 December 1988


©1989 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Peter Kopietz and Sudip Chakravarty

  • Department of Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794-3800

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Vol. 40, Iss. 7 — 1 September 1989

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