Charged-species profiles in electronegative radio-frequency plasmas

D. Vender, W. W. Stoffels, E. Stoffels, G. M. W. Kroesen, and F. J. de Hoog
Phys. Rev. E 51, 2436 – Published 1 March 1995
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The negative ion density profile in a low pressure oxygen rf plasma has been measured by a photodetachment technique. At an rf power of 10 W and a neutral pressure of 10 mTorr, a parabolic negative ion density profile is obtained with a peak density of 8×1015 m3 and a maximum ratio of negative ion to electron densities n/ne≊18. Under these conditions, the most abundant positive ion, determined by ion mass spectrometry, is O2+ with O+ being less than 10% of the positive ion density. The most abundant negative ion is O with O2 and O3 being less than 20% of the total negative charge density. The maximum in the density profile of negative ions shifts closer to the powered rf electrode as the pressure is increased in the asymmetric system. Comparison of the results to theory indicates that the asymmetry follows from an enhancement of the ionization rate near the powered electrode sheath. The parabolic profile is also obtained in CCl2F2 at low pressure. Simulations and measurements show a rapid drop in ion density near the sheath that may be related to the recently discussed ‘‘stratification’’ phenomenon in electronegative plasmas.

  • Received 10 November 1994


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

D. Vender, W. W. Stoffels, E. Stoffels, G. M. W. Kroesen, and F. J. de Hoog

  • Department of Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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Vol. 51, Iss. 3 — March 1995

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