Precision determination of the pion form factor and calculation of the muon g2

J. F. de Trocóniz and F. J. Ynduráin
Phys. Rev. D 65, 093001 – Published 23 April 2002
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We perform a new calculation of the hadronic contributions, a(Hadronic), to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, aμ. For the low-energy contributions of order α2 we carry over an analysis of the pion form factor Fπ(t) using recent data both on e+eπ+π and τ+ν¯τπ+π0. In this analysis we take into account that the phase of the form factor is equal to that of ππ scattering. This allows us to profit fully from analyticity properties so we can also use experimental information on Fπ(t) at spacelike t. At higher energy we use QCD to supplement experimental data, including the recent measurements of e+ehadrons both around 1 GeV and near the c¯c threshold. This yields a precise determination of the O(α2) and O(α2)+O(α3) hadronic part of the photon vacuum polarization 1011×a(2)(h.v.p.)=6909±64;1011×a(2+3)(h.v.p.)=7002±66. As by-products we also get the masses and widths of the ρ0,ρ+, and very accurate values for the charge radius and second coefficient of the pion. Adding the remaining order α3 hadronic contributions we find 1011×atheory(hadronic)=6993±69(e+e+τ+spacel). The error above includes statistical, systematic, and estimated theoretical errors. The figures given are obtained including τ decay data; if we restrict ourselves to e+e data, slightly lower values and somewhat higher errors are found. This is to be compared with the figure obtained by subtracting pure electroweak contributions from the recent experimental value, obtained from measurements of the muon gyromagnetic ratio (g2), which reads 1011×aexpt(hadronic)=7174±150.

  • Received 29 June 2001


©2002 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

J. F. de Trocóniz and F. J. Ynduráin

  • Departamento de Física Teórica, C-XI, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Canto Blanco, E-28049, Madrid, Spain

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Vol. 65, Iss. 9 — 1 May 2002

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