Regge slopes in dual topological expansion

Chung-I Tan
Phys. Rev. D 22, 1024 – Published 15 August 1980
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The structure of the dual topological expansion is studied up to the cylinder level by concentrating on the determination of Reggeon and Pomeron slopes. A precise formulation for the generation of Regge behavior in terms of an effective random walk is presented, and a well-defined meaning is provided for the trajectory slope in terms of average step lengths in the rapidity and the impact-parameter directions. The smallness of the Pomeron slope, αPα00.3, is shown to represent a nontrivial constraint for theories satisfying the requirement of short-range ordering; a topological phase consideration is shown to be the primary mechanism responsible for this phenomenon. The relation between our finding to the naive expectation αPα012, based on a string picture and to the general phenomenon of the fP identity is clarified.

  • Received 19 November 1979


©1980 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Chung-I Tan

  • Physics Department, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912

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Vol. 22, Iss. 4 — 15 August 1980

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