Δ(1232) production via charge-changing weak currents: e+p→Δ0+νe and e++p→Δ++¯e

W-Y. P. Hwang, E. M. Henley, and L. S. Kisslinger
Phys. Rev. C 35, 1359 – Published 1 April 1987
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We investigate Δ(1232) production via charge-changing weak currents e+p→Δ0+νe and e++p→Δ++¯e at electron/positron beam energies in the range of a few GeV. A general formalism is introduced for the N→Δ transition form factors, including the weak magnetism, weak quadrupole, and weak scalar form factors for the polar-vector current and the axial, pseudoscalar, recoil, and weak electric form factors for the axial current. The form factors related to the polar-vector current are related to Δ(1232) electroproduction on a nucleon target. For nucleons and deltas, we adopt in this calculation the flavor SU(6) wave functions, with quarks described as confined Dirac particles. The quark wave function adopted is of the form given by the MIT bag model, with or without the sharp boundary smoothened out. In the few GeV range, it is found that cross sections can be as large as 1038 cm2 and are sensitive to induced form factors such as the weak magnetism form factor. It is also found that, for a beam energy of around 4.0 GeV, the predicted cross sections depend sensitively on whether or not the sharp boundary in the quark wave function is smoothened out.

  • Received 12 November 1986


©1987 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

W-Y. P. Hwang and E. M. Henley

  • Institute for Nuclear Theory and Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195

L. S. Kisslinger

  • Department of Physics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213

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Vol. 35, Iss. 4 — April 1987

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