Longitudinal drag and Hall drag in a bilayer system with pinholes

Yuval Oreg and Bertrand I. Halperin
Phys. Rev. B 60, 5679 – Published 15 August 1999
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The transresistance and Hall transresistance of dirty two-dimensional bilayer systems in the presence of tunneling bridges (pinholes) are studied theoretically. We find, at weak magnetic field, a nonzero Hall transresistance. In a geometry where the pinholes are concentrated in the middle of the sample, a quantum process gives the dominant contribution to both the ordinary transresistance and the Hall transresistance. Arising from the interplay between Coulomb repulsion, disorder, and tunneling, the quantum contribution increases in a singular way as the temperature decreases.

  • Received 30 April 1999


©1999 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Yuval Oreg and Bertrand I. Halperin

  • Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

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Vol. 60, Iss. 8 — 15 August 1999

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