Structure and stability of Bi layers on Si(111) and Ge(111) surfaces

C. Cheng and K. Kunc
Phys. Rev. B 56, 10283 – Published 15 October 1997
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Four structures corresponding to various coverages of Bi adatoms on Si(111) and Ge(111) surfaces are studied using ab initio methods: the T4 of 13ML, the honeycomb of 23 ML, the 1×1 of 1 ML, and the milkstool of 1 ML. It is shown that when 13ML of Bi adatoms is adsorbed on the Si(111) surface, the T4 structure is favored against the phase separation into an adatom structure of higher coverage and a clean reconstructed surface without adatoms. In the case of the Ge(111) surface, on the contrary, the energetics suggests the coexistence of the T4 structure with the milkstool structure and with a clean reconstructed surface. For higher coverages of Bi adatoms the energetic considerations imply that on both Si(111) and Ge(111) surfaces, the preferred adatom structure is the milkstool rather than the honeycomb. The 1×1 structure is energetically unfavorable in all the cases studied.

  • Received 12 May 1997


©1997 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

C. Cheng

  • Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Republic of China

K. Kunc

  • Laboratoire d’Optique des Solides Associée au CNRS, Tour 13, Boı⁁te 80, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France

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Vol. 56, Iss. 16 — 15 October 1997

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