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Optical and magneto-optical absorption in parabolic quantum wells

L. Brey, N. F. Johnson, and B. I. Halperin
Phys. Rev. B 40, 10647(R) – Published 15 November 1989
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We show that an n-doped parabolic quantum well absorbs far infrared radiation at the bare harmonic-oscillator frequency ω0 independently of the electron-electron interaction and the number of electrons in the well. In the presence of a magnetic field tilted with respect to the plane of the quantum well, we find that the cyclotron resonance becomes coupled to this ω0 frequency mode. The absorption then occurs at two frequencies, which are again independent of the electron-electron interaction and the fractional filling of the well.

  • Received 17 July 1989


©1989 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

L. Brey, N. F. Johnson, and B. I. Halperin

  • Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

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Vol. 40, Iss. 15 — 15 November 1989

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