Ising Model and Self-Avoiding Walks on Hypercubical Lattices and "High-Density" Expansions

Michael E. Fisher and David S. Gaunt
Phys. Rev. 133, A224 – Published 6 January 1964
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The high-temperature expansions of the partition function Z and susceptibility χ of the Ising model and the number of self-avoiding walks cn and polygons pn are obtained exactly up to the eleventh order (in "bonds" or "steps") for the general d-dimensional simple hypercubical lattices. Exact expansions of lnZ and χ in power of 1q where q=2d, and 1σ where σ=2d1, for T>T0 are derived up to the fifth order. The zero-order terms are the Bragg-Williams and Bethe approximations, respectively. The Ising critical point is found to have the expansion θc=kTc2dJ=1q1113q2413q3213445q41331415q5, while for self-avoiding walks μ=limit of|cn|1nasn=σ[1σ22σ311σ462σ5].

Numerical extrapolation yields accurate estimates for θc and μ when d=2 to 6 and indicates that χ diverges as (TTc)[1+δ(d)] where 3δ(d)4, 12, 32±1, 80±2, 188±12, (d=2, 3), and that cnAnαμn (n) with 1α(d)3, 6, 14±0.3, 32±1.5, 72±7, .

  • Received 17 July 1963


©1964 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Michael E. Fisher and David S. Gaunt

  • Wheatstone Physics Laboratory, King's College, London W.C.2, England

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Vol. 133, Iss. 1A — January 1964

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