Topic Introduction

Acoustic Physiology in Mosquitoes

  1. Joerg T. Albert3,4,5
  1. 1Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan
  2. 2Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan
  3. 3Ear Institute, University College London, London WC1X 8EE, United Kingdom
  4. 4The Francis Crick Institute, London NW1 1AT, United Kingdom
  1. 5Correspondence: joerg.albert{at}


The acoustic physiology of mosquitoes is perhaps the most complex within the entire insect class. Past research has uncovered several of its—sometimes stunningly unconventional—principles, but many mysteries remain. Their solution necessitates a concerted transdisciplinary effort to successfully link the neuroanatomical and biophysical properties of mosquito flagellar ears to the behavioral ecology of entire mosquito populations. Neuroanatomically, mosquito ears can rival those of humans in both complexity and sheer size. The approximately 16,000 auditory hair cells within the human organ of Corti, for example, are matched by the approximately 16,000 auditory neurons in the Johnston's organ of a male Anopheles mosquito. Both human and mosquito ears receive very extensive efferent innervation, which modulates their function in ways that are as yet poorly understood. Different populations of neuronal and nonneuronal cell types divide the labor of the mosquito ear amongst themselves. Yet, what exactly this labor is, and how it is achieved, is at best vaguely known. For the majority of mosquitoes, biologically relevant sounds are inextricably linked to their flight tones. Either these flight tones are (directly) the sounds of interest or they contribute (indirectly) to the production of audible sound through a process called nonlinear distortion. Finally, male ears can generate tones themselves: The generation of an internal “phantom copy” of a female flight tone (or self-sustained oscillation) is believed to aid the male hearing process. Here, we introduce protocols that target the mosquitoes’ auditory neuroanatomy, electrophysiology, and behavior to help shed light on some of these issues.


  • From the Mosquitoes collection, edited by Laura B. Duvall and Benjamin J. Matthews.

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  1. Cold Spring Harb Protoc 2023: pdb.top107685- © 2023 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
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