A recollection of mTOR signaling in learning and memory

  1. Wayne S. Sossin1
  1. Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3A-2B4, Canada


    Mechanistic target of rapamcyin (mTOR) is a central player in cell growth throughout the organism. However, mTOR takes on an additional, more specialized role in the developed neuron, where it regulates the protein synthesis-dependent, plastic changes underlying learning and memory. mTOR is sequestered in two multiprotein complexes (mTORC1 and mTORC2) that have different substrate specificities, thus allowing for distinct functions at synapses. We will examine how learning activates the mTOR complexes, survey the critical effectors of this pathway in the context of synaptic plasticity, and assess whether mTOR plays an instructive or permissive role in generating molecular memory traces.


    • 1 Corresponding author

      E-mail wayne.sossin{at}mcgill.ca

    • Received April 2, 2013.
    • Accepted June 25, 2013.

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