JNK regulates FoxO-dependent autophagy in neurons

  1. Roger J. Davis1,2,3
  1. 1Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605, USA;
  2. 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605, USA


    The cJun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signal transduction pathway is implicated in the regulation of neuronal function. JNK is encoded by three genes that play partially redundant roles. Here we report the creation of mice with targeted ablation of all three Jnk genes in neurons. Compound JNK-deficient neurons are dependent on autophagy for survival. This autophagic response is caused by FoxO-induced expression of Bnip3 that displaces the autophagic effector Beclin-1 from inactive Bcl-XL complexes. These data identify JNK as a potent negative regulator of FoxO-dependent autophagy in neurons.



    • Received August 19, 2010.
    • Accepted January 6, 2011.

    Freely available online through the Genes & Development Open Access option.

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