Age-Related Hearing Loss

  1. Sally J. Dawson2
  1. 1Mammalian Genetics Unit, MRC Harwell Institute, Oxford OX11 0RD, United Kingdom
  2. 2UCL Ear Institute, University College London, London WC1X 8EE, United Kingdom
  1. Correspondence: sally.dawson{at}


Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) is the most prevalent sensory deficit in the elderly. This progressive hearing impairment leads to social isolation and is also associated with comorbidities, such as frailty, falls, and late-onset depression. Moreover, there is a growing evidence linking it with cognitive decline and increased risk of dementia. Given the large social and welfare burden that results from ARHL, and because ARHL is potentially a modifiable risk factor for dementia, there is an urgent need for therapeutic interventions to ameliorate age-related auditory decline. However, a prerequisite for design of therapies is knowledge of the underlying molecular mechanisms. Currently, our understanding of ARHL is very limited. Here, we review recent findings from research into ARHL from both human and animal studies and discuss future prospects for advances in our understanding of genetic susceptibility, pathology, and potential therapeutic approaches in ARHL.

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