The ROOT HAIRLESS 1 gene encodes a nuclear protein required for root hair initiation in Arabidopsis

  1. Katharina Schneider1,4,5,
  2. Jaideep Mathur2,3,
  3. Kurt Boudonck1,
  4. Brian Wells1,
  5. Liam Dolan1, and
  6. Keith Roberts1
  1. 1Department of Cell Biology, John Innes Centre, Colney, Norwich, NR4 7UH, UK; 2Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, D-50829 Köln, Germany


The epidermis of Arabidopsis wild-type primary roots, in which some cells grow hairs and others remain hairless in a position-dependent manner, has become an established model system to study cell differentiation. Here we present a molecular analysis of theRHL1 ( R OOTHAIRLESS 1 ) gene that, if mutated, prevents the formation of hairs on primary roots and causes a seedling lethal phenotype. We have cloned the RHL1 gene by use of a T-DNA-tagged mutant and found that it encodes a protein that appears to be plant specific. The predicted RHL1 gene product is a small hydrophilic protein (38.9 kD) containing putative nuclear localization signals and shows no significant homology to any known amino acid sequence. We demonstrate that a 78-amino-acid sequence at its amino terminus is capable of directing an RHL1–GFP fusion protein to the nucleus. The RHL1 transcript is present throughout the wild-type plant and in suspension culture cells, but in very low amounts, suggesting a regulatory function for the RHL1 protein. Structural evidence suggests a role for the RHL1 gene product in the nucleolus. We have examined the genetic relationship betweenRHL1 and GL2, an inhibitor of root hair initiation in non-hair cells. Our molecular and genetic data with double mutants, together with the expression analysis of a GL2 promoter–GUS reporter gene construct, indicate that the RHL1 gene acts independently of GL2.



  • Present addresses: 3Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology, Institute of Molecular Agrobiology, National University of Singapore, Singapore; 4Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, D-50829 Köln, Germany

  • 5 Corresponding author.

  • E-MAIL kschneid{at}; FAX (0221) 50 62 413.

    • Received November 28, 1997.
    • Accepted April 27, 1998.
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