Original Article

Smoking Status and Levels of Knowledge Regarding Cigarettes Among Primary School Teachers

Authors: Meftun Unsal, MD, Hasan Hamzacebi, MD, Sennur Dabak, MD, Ozlem Terzi, MD, Tumay Kirisoglu, MD


Objectives: Teachers are believed to be important role models for their students. This study’s objective was to determine primary school teachers’ smoking status, their level of knowledge regarding cigarettes and their attitude towards prohibition; and to obtain preliminary data that may contribute to the development of antismoking campaigns in schools.

Methods: In total, 468 teachers were recruited and given a questionnaire.

Results: The answers revealed that among respondents, 58.1% were current smokers, 36.1% were ex-smokers, and 5.8% had never smoked. The percentage of current smokers among females (71.7%) was significantly higher than among males (50.7%). The percentage of those who had begun smoking at age 15 or earlier was 32.0% in smoking males and 19.3% in females; this difference was also statistically significant. No significant difference regarding ideas about smoking and prohibitions on cigarettes was found among current smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers.

Conclusions: Due to the high number of smoking teachers and their role model status, students may also be at risk of starting smoking. It was concluded that it would be beneficial to deliver educational programs and seminars encouraging smoking cessation to this professional group.

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