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Stopping time of a one-dimensional bounded quantum walk*

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Published 30 September 2016 © 2016 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation Hao Luo et al 2016 Chinese Phys. B 25 110304 DOI 10.1088/1674-1056/25/11/110304



The stopping time of a one-dimensional bounded classical random walk (RW) is defined as the number of steps taken by a random walker to arrive at a fixed boundary for the first time. A quantum walk (QW) is a non-trivial generalization of RW, and has attracted a great deal of interest from researchers working in quantum physics and quantum information. In this paper, we develop a method to calculate the stopping time for a one-dimensional QW. Using our method, we further compare the properties of stopping time for QW and RW. We find that the mean value of the stopping time is the same for both of these problems. However, for short times, the probability for a walker performing a QW to arrive at the boundary is larger than that for a RW. This means that, although the mean stopping time of a quantum and classical walker are the same, the quantum walker has a greater probability of arriving at the boundary earlier than the classical walker.

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1. Introduction

The random walk (RW) has been an important mathematical problem in probability theory and stochastic processes.[1] The quantum walk (QW)[2] is a nontrivial extension of the classical RW, in which the walker obeys quantum mechanical rules. Because of quantum interference effects, the properties of QW are significantly different from those of RW.[3]

A motivation for the study on QW is to develop new quantum algorithms, which provide exponential speed-ups[410] when compared with classical algorithms. In addition, QW is a valuable model for studying physical processes of several important quantum protocols.[1124] QW has been realized in kinds of experiments involving linear optical systems,[2531] cold atoms on an optical lattice,[32] trapped ions,[33,34] nuclear magnetic resonance techniques,[35,36] optical waveguides,[37] and optical fiber networks.[38] Moreover, recent researches proposed schemes to realize QW with quantum dots system.[39,40]

In previous work, the research on QW has mainly focused on the probability distribution of the position of a quantum walker after a fixed number of steps.[1124] In RW theory, there is another important concept called stopping time.[41] The stopping time is defined as the number of steps at which a random walker arrives at a fixed boundary for the first time. For a RW with given boundaries, the stopping time is a random variable, and the corresponding mean value and probability distribution have been studied by many authors. The results are shown to be useful. For instance, they can be used to solve the Gambler's Ruin problem.[42] Nevertheless, the stopping time of a QW has not been studied before.

In this paper, we develop a method to calculate the probability distribution of the stopping time for a discrete-time one-dimensional bounded QW. With our method, we calculate the probability distribution and the mean value of the stopping time and moreover compare the properties of stopping time for QW and RW. We show that their mean values for the stopping time are the same. However, the probability distributions associated with the stopping time are quite different for these two problems. In particular, over short-time intervals, the probability density of the stopping time of a QW is larger than that for a RW. This means that a quantum walker has a greater probability of arriving at boundary earlier than a classical walker. Our result is also illustrated via the analysis of the commutative probability of a QW and a RW.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 1, we briefly introduce the definition and properties of the stopping time of a RW. In Section 3, we show our method for the calculation of the probability distribution of the stopping time for a QW. In Section 4, we use our method to compare the properties of the stopping time for QW and RW. There is a brief summary in Section 5.

2. Stopping time of a RW

2.1. Classical random walk

To introduce the definition and mathematical properties of a discrete-time one-dimensional RW, we consider a walker starting from the origin. In the RW, in each step the walker flips an unbiased coin and moves to the right (left) if the coin shows a head (tail). After t steps, the position x of the walker is a random variable, and satisfies the binomial distribution

Equation ((1))

Here, x takes discrete values 0,±1,±2,...

2.2. Stopping time of a RW

Now, we introduce the definition of stopping time of a RW. We consider a RW in which the walker starts from the origin x = 0. We assume that there is a pair of dam-boards (i.e., boundary) at positions x = ±Xd, and the RW terminates immediately when the walker arrives at one of these dam-boards (Fig. 1). The time Ts at which the process terminates, i.e., the time when the walker arrives at x = Xd or x = −Xd, is defined as the stopping time of RW.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Bounded discrete-time one-dimensional RW. The walker starts from position 0 and moves to the right or left in each step. The process stops the moment the walker arrives at one of two dam-boards at positions x = ±Xd. In this problem, the stopping time is a random variable.

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The stopping time Ts defined above is clearly a random variable; its distribution depends on the position Xd of the dam-boards, and can be denoted as P(Xd)(Ts). Accordingly, the mean value of the stopping time is also a function of Xd, here denoted as

Equation ((2))

An analytical proof[42] showed that for a RW, we have

Equation ((3))

3. Stopping time of a QW

3.1. Quantum walk

We now introduce the QW, in which both walker and coin are quantum systems. The total Hilbert space is 𝓗 = 𝓗w ⊗ 𝓗c, where 𝓗w and 𝓗c are the Hilbert spaces for the walker and coin, respectively. Here, 𝓗w is spanned by position eigen-states |xw (x = 0,±1,±2,...) of the walker, and 𝓗c is spanned by "spin" states |Hc and |Tc, representing the head and tail, respectively, of the coin.

In the beginning of a QW, the walker is at the origin and the coin is prepared in a superposition of head and tail. Specifically, the initial state is

Equation ((4))

In the first step, the coin is first operated by a Hadamard gate

Equation ((5))

and then the system is operated by a "conditional-shift transformation"

Equation ((6))

The physical meaning of US is that the walker moves to the right if the coin shows a head, and moves to the left if the coin shows a tail. Thus, after the first step, the state of the total system is

Equation ((7))

Similarly, after t steps, the total system is in the state

Equation ((8))

In this QW process, the walker and coin are entangled. Because of quantum interference effects, which can be constructive or destructive, the probability distribution of the walker's position is completely different from that for RW (Eq. (1)). The properties of this distribution were discussed in Refs. [3], [11], [41] and [43].

It is pointed out that, the QW can be reduced to a classical RW under the decoherence operation in each step.[44] For our system, we can obtain the results of RW via replacing Eqs. (7) and (8) with and , respectively. Here, ρ(t) is the density operator of the walker and the coin, ρ(0) = |Ψ0〉〈Ψ0|, and the decoherence operator 𝓓 is defined as follows: in the bases {|x〉}, all the non-diagonal elements of 𝓓[ρ] are zero, while the diagonal elements of 𝓓[ρ] are the same as the ones of ρ.

3.2. Stopping time of a QW

Next, we introduce our method for the calculation of the probability distribution of the stopping time of a QW, i.e., the probability distribution for the number of steps Ts at which the walker arrives at the dam-board at x = ±Xd (Xd > 0) for the first time. This probability distribution can be denoted as P(Xd)(Ts) and can be calculated as follows.

  • (i)  
    For time t < xd, the walker would not have arrived at a dam-board. Therefore, we have
    Equation ((9))
  • (ii)  
    Furthermore, according to Eq. (8), at step t = Xd (before arrival), the density matrix of our system is
    Equation ((10))
    Equation ((11))
    is the initial density matrix of our system. The probability that the walker arrives at ±Xd at this step is
    Equation ((12))
    where the operator D is the projection operator for the positions x = ±Xd and can be expressed as
    Equation ((13))
  • (iii)  
    If Xd is an odd (even) value, then the walker can only have arrived at x = ±Xd in an odd (even) number of steps. Hence, we have
    Equation ((14))
  • (iv)  
    The probability P(Xd)(Ts = Xd + 2) that walker arrives at the Xd + 2 step is the product of the probability p* that the walker had not arrived at the t = Xd step and the probability q* that the walker arrives at x = ±Xd at the Xd + 2 step; i.e., we have P(Xd)(Ts = Xd + 2) = p*q* and hence p* = Tr[ (Xd)T] where T = 1 – D. Furthermore, if the walker had not arrived at t = Xd, then after arrival the density matrix of our system is
    Equation ((15))
    Thus, at the t = Xd + 2 step (before arrival), the density matrix is . Therefore, the probability q* can be expressed as
    Equation ((16))
    Using the relation P(Xd)(Ts = Xd + 2) = p*q*, we then obtain
    Equation ((17))
  • (v)  
    By repeating the above steps, we can further obtain the probability P(Xd)(Ts = Xd + 2n) (n = 2,3,4,...) that the walker arrives at the Xd + 2n step.

Given the above method, we calculated the probability P(Xd)(Ts) numerically. Because this QW is bounded between –Xd and Xd, the dimension of the Hilbert space for the walker's spatial position is 2Xd + 1; similarly, the dimension for the coin's spin space is 2. Therefore, the density matrix of the system is a matrix (4Xd + 2) × (4Xd + 2) for the entire process. Theoretically, the random variable t extends to infinity and therefore this evolution is capable of working out all probabilities P(t) (Fig. 2). The truncation time is chosen as , which is large enough for the precision of E(Xd)[Ts]. Through this calculation and a sufficiently large truncation time, the mean value of the stopping time of QW can be obtained.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. P(Xd)(Ts) for QW ((a) and (c)) and RW ((b) and (d)) with Xd = 10 ((a) and (b)) and Xd = 40 ((c) and (d)). Because Xd is even in our cases, we have P(Xd)(Ts) = 0 for odd steps Ts = ±1, ±3, ±5, .... Hence, we have only shown P(Xd)(Ts) for Ts = 0, ±2, ±4, ....

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4. Comparison of QW and RW

4.1. Mean value and probability distribution

With the method developed above, we numerically calculate the probability distribution of the stopping time Ts for many discrete-time one-dimensional QWs with different positions Xd of the dam-boards. With our result, we further derive the mean E(Xd)[Ts] of Ts. We find that for fixed values of Xd, the mean value of the stopping time of a QW and a RW are same. Specifically, for a QW we also have . We illustrate this result in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Mean value E(Xd)[Ts] of the stopping time of a discrete-time one-dimensional QW. The red solid line is the result ; the black line is the numerical result for a QW, which is given by the method in Section 3.2.

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Although the mean value of the stopping time Ts for both QW and RW are the same, the probability distribution of Ts for these two cases are completely different. Figure 2 illustrates the probability distribution P(Xd)(Ts) corresponding to Xd = 10 and Xd = 40, for both QW and RW. We find that for a given value of Xd, P(Xd)(Ts) for a QW peaks at a smaller Ts, and has a larger peak value. That is, if we define Tmax as the value of Ts at which the probability density P(Xd)(Ts) takes its maximum value, and define Pmax as the corresponding peak value (i.e., PmaxP(Xd)(Tmax)), then QW has a smaller Tmax and a larger Pmax. For instance, as shown in Fig. 2, when Xd = 40, for QW we have Tmax = 60 and Pmax = 0.1087, whereas for RW we have Tmax = 532 and Pmax = 1.157 × 10−3.

Our numerical calculations show that this character is universal for QW for different values of Xd. From Fig. 4, when Xd is large (larger than 10), we have and for QW and and for RW. Therefore, we know that as Xd increases, the disparity in stopping times for QW and RW increases.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. (a) Time Tmax for the maximum point in the probability distribution P(Xd)(Ts); (b) the peak value Pmax of P(Xd)(Ts) at time Tmax.

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In addition to the above features, our calculation also shows that when Ts is large, the decay of P(Xd)(Ts) for QW is slower than that for RW (Fig. 5). This explains the fact that although the probability distribution P(Xd)(Ts) peaks at a shorter time for QW, the mean of the stopping time Ts is the same for both QW and RW.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Probability distribution P(Xd)(Ts) for QW and RW of Xd = 10 in the large-Ts region.

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4.2. The probability that "QW is faster"

In the section above, we showed that in comparison with a RW, the probability distribution P(Xd)(Ts) of the stopping time for a QW peaks at smaller values of Ts, and has a larger peak value Pmax. This property implies that for a given value of Xd, the walker of a QW has a large probability (more than 50%) of arriving at the dam-boards earlier than a walker of a RW. That is, we have a large probability for the fact that "QW is faster".

To verify this result, we numerically calculated the probability Q(Xd) for the fact that "QW is faster". This probability can be reasonably defined as

Equation ((18))

Here, and are the probability distributions P(Xd)(Ts) of the stopping time for a QW and RW, respectively, and the θ-function is the Heaviside function, defined as θ(x) = 1 for x > 0 and θ(x) = 0 for x ≤ 0. In Fig. 6, we show Q(Xd) for Xd ∈ (10,50). Clearly, in all of these cases we have Q(Xd) > 50%, and Q(Xd) increases with Xd. Hence, we know that because of the difference in probability distribution P(Xd)(Ts) of the stopping time for QW and RW, the walker in a QW has a greater probability Q(Xd) of arriving at the dam-boards earlier than the walker of a RW, and this probability increases with distance Xd between the dam-boards and the starting point of the walker. This is also consistent with our previous result that the difference between P(Xd)(Ts) for QW and RW increases with Xd.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Probability Q(Xd) that a walker arrives faster by a QW than by a RW.

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4.3. Cumulative probability

Finally, we study the cumulative probability for a QW, which is defined as the probability that the walker arrives at the dam-boards before time T. Denoted as F(Xd)(T), we can express it as

Equation ((19))

Clearly, we have

Equation ((20))

In Fig. 7, we show the cumulative probability F(Xd)(T) for both QW and RW with Xd = 40. For a QW, the cumulative probability increases very fast for small T. As a result, for short times T, a walker of a QW has a larger probability of arriving at the dam-boards than a walker of the RW. The reason is that the probability distribution P(Xd)(Ts) peaks at a shorter time and has a larger peak value for a QW, as demonstrated in Section 4.1.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Cumulative probability F(Xd)(T) for QW and RW with Xd = 40.

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Figure 7 also shows that when time T is increased, the cumulative probability F(Xd)(T) of a RW can exceed that for a QW. As a result, when T is sufficiently large, the cumulative probability for a RW is larger than that for a QW. This is consistent with the fact that the mean of the stopping time is the same for both QW and RW.

5. Summary

We have developed a method to calculate the probability distribution of the stopping time of a QW. With this method, we further studied the properties of this probability distribution and its mean value. We find that the mean value of the stopping time for QW and RW are the same. However, the distribution of QW and RW are quite different. For QW, the probability for short stopping times is significantly larger than that for RW, and the difference between the distribution of QW and RW increases with distance Xd between the dam-boards and the starting point of the walker. Our result implies that the walker in a QW has a large probability (more than 50%) of arriving at the boundary earlier than the walker of a RW. We also illustrated our result with the analysis for the cumulative probability for a QW and a RW. Our results, which show that a quantum walker has a very large probability to be faster than a classical walker, may be used in quantum search problems. In addition, with our result one can also further study the quantum version of classical problems related to stopping time, such as the Gambler's ruin problem.


  • Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11222430, 11434011, and 11474049), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB922104), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China, and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China (Grant No. 16XNLQ03).

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