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Published 2011 June 30 © 2011. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Jonathan Woodring et al 2011 ApJS 195 11 DOI 10.1088/0067-0049/195/1/11



The advent of large cosmological sky surveys—ushering in the era of precision cosmology—has been accompanied by ever larger cosmological simulations. The analysis of these simulations, which currently encompass tens of billions of particles and up to a trillion particles in the near future, is often as daunting as carrying out the simulations in the first place. Therefore, the development of very efficient analysis tools combining qualitative and quantitative capabilities is a matter of some urgency. In this paper, we introduce new analysis features implemented within ParaView, a fully parallel, open-source visualization toolkit, to analyze large N-body simulations. A major aspect of ParaView is that it can live and operate on the same machines and utilize the same parallel power as the simulation codes themselves. In addition, data movement is in a serious bottleneck now and will become even more of an issue in the future; an interactive visualization and analysis tool that can handle data in situ is fast becoming essential. The new features in ParaView include particle readers and a very efficient halo finder that identifies friends-of-friends halos and determines common halo properties, including spherical overdensity properties. In combination with many other functionalities already existing within ParaView, such as histogram routines or interfaces to programming languages like Python, this enhanced version enables fast, interactive, and convenient analyses of large cosmological simulations. In addition, development paths are available for future extensions.

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During the last two decades, cosmological measurements and predictions have advanced from the level of estimates to precision determinations—at better than the 10% level—of the major cosmological parameters. In the next decade, ongoing and upcoming sky surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III, PanStarrs, the Dark Energy Survey, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope, and Euclid, to name a few, promise improvements in state-of-the-art measurement by yet another order of magnitude. At the same time, theoretical predictions at the same or better levels of accuracy are needed to fully exploit the information available from these surveys. Predictions of this quality can only be obtained by high-performance simulations that cover cosmological volumes representative of those observed by the surveys and possess high enough mass and force resolution to reliably resolve dark matter halos that are the hosts of galaxies. For gigaparsec cubed volumes, the requirements translate to anywhere from tens to hundreds of billions of simulation particles.

In the recent past, this simulation challenge has been attacked from different perspectives. A few "hero" simulations have been carried out: The Millennium simulation from 2005 with ∼10 billion particles and the two "Horizon" simulations from 2009 with ∼70 billion particles each but with lower force resolution (Teyssier et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2009) are prominent examples. Another approach is to run more moderately sized simulations (still 1–10 billion particles each) but with many realizations and different volumes for one cosmological model. This allows for efficient gathering of statistics and the determination of covariances (e.g., the LasDamas Project by C. McBride et al. 2010, in preparation; the MICE simulations by Crocce et al. 2010). Such simulations can also be carried out for different cosmologies (e.g., the Coyote Universe by Heitmann et al. 2009, 2010; Lawrence et al. 2010) to explore the cosmological parameter space and derive predictions for different statistics of interest. Both approaches generate large amounts of data and the analysis task is often as demanding as carrying out the simulations in the first place.

As a consequence of the "data explosion," it has become a matter of some urgency to develop scalable, efficient, flexible, versatile, and easily extendable tools to carry out analysis tasks. Taking this thought one step further, an analysis tool that combines quantitative and qualitative features would be particularly convenient; such a tool should allow visualization and analysis of the data at the same time, and allow user-customizable features and extensions. In addition, the tool should operate optimally on the same platform and with the same parallel efficiency as the simulation codes, since data movement already poses a major restriction and in fact will become prohibitive in the future. Finally, the tool should allow for interactive analysis of the data so that different settings and analysis tasks can be carried out without having to go back to external analysis routines. This opens up the opportunity for gaining new insights and discovering unexpected features in the data set that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Over the last several years we have developed a visualization and analysis tool based on ParaView, an open-source, parallel visualization framework. Figure 1 shows an example visualization of a billion particles carried out on 128 processors. We used ParaView for some of the analyses carried out in Heitmann et al. (2008). In Hsu et al. (2010), we demonstrated the tool's efficiency for scientific investigations by analyzing the formation of halos over time. In this paper, we introduce the new features we have implemented into ParaView to analyze and visualize large cosmological N-body simulations. All of these features are included in the latest ParaView 3.10 release.6 ParaView is a very convenient platform for several reasons: (1) it is (distributed memory) parallel and therefore well suited for very large data sets, (2) a large number of general data analysis routines already exist within it, (3) it is open source, and (4) it can be coupled with relative ease to existing codes and includes interfaces to programming languages, e.g., Python.

Figure 1.

Figure 1. ParaView visualization of a billion-particle simulation from the Coyote Universe suite (Lawrence et al. 2010). A sub-volume of the simulation shown is focusing on particles in halos and halo centers.

Standard image High-resolution image

We have implemented two different particle readers into ParaView, one based on the "cosmo" format introduced in Heitmann et al. (2005), the other following the "GADGET" format7 widely used by the cosmology community and the native data format of the cosmology code GADGET-2 (Springel 2005). The cosmo format is a simple binary format for storing particle positions, velocities, tags, and mass. The GADGET format allows for more flexibility and information, although currently the ParaView reader only reads the N-body particles from the GADGET files. A future ParaView release will include the option of reading more general information as well (gas physics, stars, etc.). In addition to the readers, we have implemented a very efficient parallel halo finder using the friends-of-friends (FOF) algorithm. Based on the FOF halos found by ParaView, overdensity halo information is also provided. We are currently finalizing a sub-halo finder implementation. Combined with the analysis features already available, such as histogram routines, density routines, comparative visualization, movie options, and so on, ParaView provides a convenient and flexible visualization and analysis environment.

In particular, the interactive nature of ParaView is a very attractive feature. In the standard scenario, the analysis would be carried out with an external code and the results would then be visualized in post-processing. If it turns out that a different parameter setting for the analysis would be of interest (this might be the result of some particular finding after visually inspecting the results), the data must again be read-in to the analysis code and then the results need to be read-in to the visualization tool. The interactive approach streamlines this process immensely. In order for it to work flawlessly, it is of course important that the analysis tools are integrated into the visualization tool. ParaView provides exactly such a platform.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a general overview of scientific visualization methods with special emphasis on the visualization and analysis of very large data sets. This is followed by a short overview of ParaView in Section 3, including a brief description of the new cosmology modules that have been implemented. In particular, we provide a detailed description of the parallel halo finder and the halo properties available. We give an example of how ParaView can be used to analyze cosmological simulations interactively in Section 4 and conclude in Section 5. We give a brief introduction to the ParaView GUI and the use of the cosmology filter in the Appendix.


With the advent of petascale computing—and on the way to exascale platforms—visualization of simulation data will become more and more challenging. The new generation of supercomputers are enormous data engines in their own right, and moving data off the platform, as well as storing it, is extremely problematic. In effect, while computation may be "free," data movement, storage, and analysis will hardly be that. To avoid data movement and any remote data activity as much as possible, visualization and analysis should be carried out on the same machine that runs the simulations. To be efficient and useful, the analysis tools must be able to exploit the same parallel capabilities as the simulation codes. An alternative to this would be to couple a specialized visualization and analysis cluster to the same storage system. The drawback here is cost: such a cluster has to be powerful enough to visualize and analyze data sets that have been generated on large parts of the main supercomputer, requiring a large second investment for a visualization machine. (For a recent white paper on the challenges of visualization and data analysis at the exascale, see, e.g., Ahrens et al. 2010b.) To remove the I/O bottleneck, the general trend in visualization and analysis is to move the computation to the data. The related computation tasks must be carried out where the data reside, whether in situ or in an active storage system. While a database or data mining interface is useful for extracting a subset of the data, an SQL programming interface is not well suited for carrying out complex queries or integrating custom functions, such as halo finding.

There are some advantages—exploiting data locality and the native performance—to computing and rendering on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). In reality (and for long-term success) we need to support these operations in a hardware-agnostic way—the user should not care where these operations run in terms of processor architecture. Overall, using the GPU does not have a great cost–benefit ratio for large-scale visualization and analysis. While it can speed up processing (but not rendering, since composition is the bottleneck based on the network), the true bottleneck is the I/O bandwidth from storage to computation. GPUs can provide high frame rates for small data sets on a single computer, but to scale to visualizing large data, other techniques, such as software ray tracing, can actually provide a better cost–benefit ratio, due to the compositing bottleneck (Ahrens et al. 2010a).

There are three basic approaches for carrying out visualization and analysis tasks: in situ, post-processing, and interactive analysis. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks. In situ allows one to perform analysis at run time and therefore to have access to all of the data and save perhaps only a selected subset. As detailed in Ahrens et al. (2010b) this approach will most likely dominate in the exascale era. (Since storage capacities will not grow at the same rate as compute power, storage requirements set by off-line analysis of complete raw data sets will be prohibitive.) The main drawback here is that one has to determine in advance what analysis is needed and which portions of the data to save for further analysis. Interactive analysis integrates visual (qualitative) and chart (quantitative) views such that the scientist can explore all possibilities and hypotheses in a cyclic workflow (see, e.g., Hsu et al. 2010 for a study in the context of cosmological visualization). Along with provenance recording and note taking, it can automatically generate a document that can be disseminated to other scientists (see Anderson et al. 2008 for an example in the context of cosmology). The difficulty here is that one must save as much data as possible in the raw, bringing back the I/O and storage capacity bottlenecks. Finally, post-processing lies between interactive visualization and in situ analysis, in that it has all of the drawbacks of both and none of the benefits.

In general, in situ visualization is carried out in a very library- or visualization package-centric point of view (we will give a ParaView example for this below). The visualization routines are treated as "black boxes" since most application scientists do not want to have to deal with the nuances of visualization libraries and rendering and therefore use a static approach for in situ processing. A very intriguing alternative is a programmable approach to this. For example, instead of feeding the particle data into a Visualization Toolkit (VTK)/ParaView or other library call, one instead writes an application-centric block of code (directly within the application) that provides control over any derived calculations (statistics, data mining, etc.) and then allows the user to specifically choose how that data are turned into high-level graphics primitives (e.g., points, an isosurface, etc.) and then finally how these primitives should be colored. The key here is that this can be done in a very application-focused way—it provides the option of taking a very problem-driven viewpoint of how to do the analysis and visualization within the context of the application code. The obvious disadvantage of this is that it requires some additions to programming languages, but this also turns out to be an advantage in terms of in situ processing being aware of application data structures, reducing data movement, and, if done well, improving the overall workflow (reducing the complexity). This line of work was demonstrated at the SuperComputing 2010 conference, embedded in a CPU/GPU-OpenCL cosmology code. For more details on this promising path, see, e.g., McCormick et al. (2004).

In this paper we focus on interactive visualization and analysis using ParaView (Ahrens et al. 2005), an open-source, fully parallel visualization tool (a detailed description of ParaView is provided in Section 3). In contrast to data mining tools, ParaView provides an interactivity at run time, which is important to insight, turnaround, and the scientific workflow. (For a recent paper elucidating the importance of interactivity for the scientific workflow, see, e.g., Ahrens et al. 2010c.) It has been recently demonstrated that ParaView can also be used in situ (Moreland et al. 2010), a strong advantage for future applications. In the report, ParaView has been shown to run successfully with various simulation codes on a variety of platforms with many compute cores, including Sandia National Laboratory's Red Sky (a Sun Blade system with 429.9 teraflops performance; ParaView ran successfully on up to 4096 cores), a BlueGene/L system (up to 8192 cores), and the BlueGene/P system Intreprid at Argonne National Laboratory (up to 32,768 cores). The report emphasizes that for terascale platforms, commodity clusters with GPUs have been successfully used, but for petascale platforms, visualization must run efficiently on the supercomputer itself.

A similarly powerful visualization tool as ParaView is VisIt.8 VisIt is another free interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool developed by the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Simulation and Computing Initiative (ASCI). A third popular visualization tool with a large user base is EnSight.9 EnSight is a commercial tool (some versions of it are also free) but has a major shortcoming compared to ParaView and VisIt: it only runs in parallel on up to four processors on shared memory computer systems. It therefore does not lend itself to be run in the same way as ParaView and VisIt. Other more application-specific tools such as Partiview, developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) for visualizing three-dimensional particle data,10 IFrIT (Ionization FRont Interactive Tool11), which is based on VTK (Schroeder et al. 1996), as are ParaView and VisIt, and Splotch (Dolag et al. 2008) suffer the same problem as EnSight, that is, they run either only serially or in parallel only on shared memory machines and are therefore not suitable for interactive sessions on supercomputers. In addition to the cosmology filters we describe in this paper, another astrophysics visualization plug-in for ParaView is available, AstroViz.12 AstroViz provides additional readers (tipsy and HDF5) and more analysis tools.

A complementary approach for visualizing large data sets is to first downsample the particles to a manageable number and only read-in and visualize this subset (compression). This way, memory requirements are reduced and the images are not swamped with too many particles, making it impossible to extract structures of interest. Two recent papers following this path are by Szalay et al. (2008) and Woodring et al. (2011).

3. ParaView

ParaView (Ahrens et al. 2005) is a general-purpose, open-source, scientific visualization server technology built on top of VTK as the rendering engine. Through the ParaView server, visualization of large-scale data is possible by parallelism and data streaming on a scalable server back end. The default ParaView application runs a built-in ParaView server (that can be run in multi-processor mode in 3.10) for small visualization tasks. For larger data, it can connect to a remote Message Passing Interface (MPI) parallel ParaView server back end running on a visualization cluster or parallel supercomputer.

The process of visualization within ParaView consists of constructing VTK visualization pipelines of readers and filters, where outputs are implicitly connected to render views. Readers allow data to be imported into the pipeline, while filters allow data to be analyzed and manipulated through processing. Render views provide visual representations of data that a user can interact with. Visualization pipelines are constructed through a front-end interface, which is capable of communicating with the ParaView server, and are executed on the data by the server. Visual results are displayed by the front end from images or geometry sent back by the ParaView server after processing data using a constructed visualization pipeline. ParaView has two compositing algorithms: (1) IceT—a compositor optimized for tile displays and (2) Binary Swap—a theoretically optimal compositing algorithm.

A variety of tools and languages can interface with the ParaView server back end to analyze and visualize data. The images we show in this paper were created using the default ParaView graphical user-interface client available from the ParaView Web site. An example of some of the ParaView visualization and analysis capabilities is shown in Figure 2. The default ParaView GUI is a Qt application, with Python scripting support, that is available on Windows, OS X, Linux, and on any other platform that is able to compile C++ code with the Qt framework (Summerfield 2010). ParaView is also capable of performing visualization and analysis through other front ends, such as task specific visualization tools built on top of the ParaView server language bindings in Python, Tcl/Tk, C++, Java, and Javascript. The ParaView parallel server back end compiles on any platform capable of compiling C++ and MPI code. Information on using ParaView and downloading source and binaries is located at

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Examples of different analysis capabilities available in ParaView. The simulation shown here is described in Section 4.1. The upper left panel shows all the particles in the box colored with respect to their velocities, the lower left panel shows a zoom into a dense region. The upper right panel shows a histogram of halo velocities. The lower right panel shows only the particles that reside within halos.

Standard image High-resolution image

ParaView can be also linked to a database—a VTK interface to SQLite and SQL databases exists. It can also use any other large-scale database to subset from disk.

Some specific tools that can be found in ParaView are as follows.

  • 1.  
    A parallel back-end server that runs parallel VTK.
  • 2.  
    Comparative linked views through parallel rendering by hardware OpenGL or software rendering with Mesa or Manta ray tracer, which can be used with tile displays and stereo rendering.
  • 3.  
    Arbitrary constructed visualization pipelines at run time.
  • 4.  
    Three-dimensional volume, surface, wireframe, and point rendering.
  • 5.  
    Two-dimensional spreadsheet, point, and curve rendering.
  • 6.  
    Animation tool and animatable parameters for movie generation.
  • 7.  
    Python batch scripting, recording, and filters: the Python interface defers much of the computation to C code. It acts as a glue/interface between the VTK/ParaView code that is written in C and the data are stored in C arrays, not Python data structures. It is very similar to NumPy and SciPy, where the computational heavy code is written in C, and Python acts as a programming interface.
  • 8.  
    Compile-time extensible new VTK modules.
  • 9.  
    Run-time extensible through ParaView plugins.
  • 10.  
    Over 120 VTK filters are currently exposed, and adding a new filter to ParaView from VTK is relatively easy. Examples of currently exposed filters include: calculator, cut, clip, slice, threshold, isosurface, glyph, streamlines, histogram, and plot. Additionally, there are new filters for statistical processing.

For cosmological data we specifically implemented parallel readers and the halo finder as detailed below.

3.1. Parallel Reading

Assuming that the ParaView server is running in parallel (the reader works in serial mode as well), the first task to visualize cosmology data is to correctly read the data and distribute it among the processors. The ParaView reader we have implemented for the "cosmo" format has also been extended to work with the "GADGET" format (for N-body particles). Particle files can be single monolithic files or multiple files generated per processor during the simulation.

The first task the reader performs is assigning processors to regions in space, such that a processor will be assigned a contiguous block in space. We use a topologically rectangular three-dimensional spatial decomposition. Each processor will eventually obtain all of the particles in that space. The second task is reading the particle file or files. If there is a single file, all of the processors will read into memory a linear portion of the particle list, temporarily taking ownership of the particles in that segment of list. Likewise, if there are per-process files, each processor will read a file assigned to it and take temporary ownership of the particles located in that file. If there are fewer or more files per process, the files are divided such that each processor reads an equal number of particles.

Next, processors take ownership of the actual particles that belong to them through communication of particles, i.e., moving the particles to the correct processor that owns the spatial region containing the particle. In the first step, the processors examine the particles currently in memory and separate out the particles that belong on that processor from the particles that do not belong. Next, all of the processors simultaneously send a buffer of particles that do not belong to the next rank processor, while receiving a buffer from the previous rank processor. Each processor will examine the buffer received and take out the particles that belong to it. If the number of files is greater or equal to the number of processors, this process is repeated for p − 1 rounds, where there are p processors, until all of the particles are in memory on the correct processor. In the case of more processors than files, the round robin circles are smaller so that every processor reads a file if possible. For example, for 16 files and 64 processors, 4 processors will read each file and the round robin chain is [(p/4) − 1] in size.

Finally, in order to perform correct halo finding per process, we allow for spatial overlap in the per-process volumes and duplicate the particles across overlap regions. Given that the entire space is divided into blocks and there is wraparound on boundaries (because of periodic boundary conditions), each processor will have 26 neighbor processors. With an appropriate overlap boundary size, as explained in Section 3.3, each processor can determine the volume overlap or intersection regions with its neighbors. The duplicate or "ghost" particles in the overlap regions are communicated to each of the spatially contiguous neighbor processes to expand the volume of each process.

3.2. Parallel Filtering and Rendering

The data, as it is read in, are treated as a parallel VTK unstructured point data set in the visualization pipeline. The "cosmo" format provides point position, velocity, mass, and a tag available as data attributes (fields or variables) per point in a binary file. The data at this point can be rendered as is, using parallel point rendering colored by data attribute, or it can be analyzed and manipulated through various parallel VTK filter modules before rendering. Sixteen million particles can be rendered on a single nVidia Quadro 5600 (G80) at 7.1 frames per second. Detailed timing and scaling analysis including comparison of GPU and CPU performance for ParaView are provided in Ahrens et al. (2010a).

There are many built-in VTK filters available in ParaView, and it takes a small amount of effort by an expert user to expose an existing VTK filter in ParaView that is not already available by default. This involves creating an XML plugin to tell ParaView how to interface with the VTK internals. Some useful filters available by default in ParaView are the calculator, threshold, and glyph filters. The calculator filter allows new derived fields to be calculated on the fly from existing scalar, vector, and tensor fields using a mathematical expression. The threshold filter discards data points that do not lie within a given range for a data value. The glyph filter generates new geometry per point that can be scaled and oriented by attributes, such as spheres whose sizes are dependent on mass or arrows that point in the direction of the velocity and scaled by the velocity magnitude. Examples are shown in Section 4. Finally, if a desired filter does not already exist in VTK, ParaView includes the capability to script new filters in Python.

3.3. An Efficient, Parallel, Friends-of-Friends Halo Finder

An important component of the new ParaView cosmology capabilities is a very efficient parallel halo finding filter. The base implementation is a fast serial FOF halo finder, with parallel integration added. For finding FOF halos, the user can specify the linking length and the minimum number of particles defining a halo. ParaView returns a halo catalog containing halos with average position, average velocity, one-dimensional velocity dispersion, and mass for each halo. Optionally, the original particle list can also be annotated with the halo information that each particle belongs to.

In order to achieve performance goals for the halo finding algorithm, we first developed a new serial halo finder (Hsu et al. 2010). A naive implementation of an FOF finder would check each and every particle pair: given n particles, therefore requiring ${\cal O} (n^2)$ operations, which is clearly an unacceptable scaling. To reduce the number of operations, we use a balanced kd-tree. A balanced kd-tree is a binary space partitioning data structure that organizes points in a k-dimensional space in such a way that the number of points in a subtree at each level is equal. Building a fully balanced tree from n points takes ${\cal O} (n\log n)$ operations.

A recursive FOF algorithm starts at the leaf nodes (single particles) and merges nodes into halos by checking if the particles are within a given range of each other. As particles are merged into halos, particle tests are reduced by using subtree bounding boxes as proxies for points. If a subtree bounding box is too distant, all of the points can be skipped. Vice versa, if an entire bounding box is close enough, all of the points can be added to a halo.

Once a fast serial FOF finder has been built, the next step is to implement efficient parallelization. We use a straightforward strategy by dividing the simulation volume into per-processor sub-volumes and allow these sub-volumes to overlap, as described in Section 3.1. The overlap length should be larger than the diameter of the largest halo; usually ∼5 Mpc is a conservative choice. This is done to ensure that each halo is complete in at least one processor (overlapped) sub-volume. Next, the algorithm finds all halos in the sub-volumes. The last step is to ensure that each halo is counted only once. When a halo is shared between two processors across a plane, it is assigned to the processor that has the halo in the upper plane (this is an arbitrary choice) and is eliminated from the other. If it is shared by more than one processor, the information is sent to an arbitration processor that makes the assignment and informs all other processors.

Strong scaling (execution time as a function of processor number with a fixed problem size) of the halo finder is demonstrated in Figure 3. The test shown is carried out on a 32 core shared memory machine with 128 GB of RAM. The test used a 2563 particle simulation snapshot at z = 0. The actual timing of the halo finder is slightly higher than the ideal value, due to several reasons:

  • 1.  
    The halo finder is not fully load balanced since a large halo would cause a certain processor to do more work than others. For large volume simulations this is not a severe problem since not very many exceptionally large halos form.
  • 2.  
    Due to the overlap strategy, the workload increases as parallelism increases.
  • 3.  
    The ideal curve does not account for communication overhead.
Figure 3.

Figure 3. Strong scaling of the parallel halo finder in ParaView. The red curve shows ideal scaling, while the blue curve shows the actual timing. The problem size is fixed (2563 particles) as the number of cores is increased from 1 to 32. Scaling is close to ideal; reasons for the departures are discussed in the text.

Standard image High-resolution image

With these caveats in mind, the scaling behavior of the halo finder is very good. In addition, we also carried out a timing test on a 10243 particle simulation in distributed memory MPI. Results are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Halo Finder Timing for One Billion Particles

Number of Processors Time (s)
64 66.6
128 32.9
256 20.5

Download table as:  ASCIITypeset image

Halos do not have a uniquely defined notion of "halo center." Of the different possibilities, the center of mass is the easiest to implement and fastest to run. In this case, the particle-averaged position of the halo is given by

Equation (1)

where xi is the position of the ith particle in the halo and nFOF is the number of particles in the FOF halo. The halo center-of-mass velocity is determined in an analogous fashion. Because this is the fastest way of determining the halo center, it is the default setting we choose for ParaView. Of course, this definition has obvious shortcomings; e.g., if a halo is comprised of two distinct sub-halos, the center of mass will lie between those sub-halos and not at the center of the more massive sub-halo. A more accurate determination of the halo center is therefore given by finding either the potential minimum of the halo or the particle with the most neighbors (these two centers are very close and for most halos are in fact identical). Both of the options are available in ParaView and should be used for evaluating SO properties of halos. Efficient center algorithms have been implemented as the naive approach would lead to ${\cal O} (n^2)$ operations.

In addition, the halo finder provides a measurement of the one-dimensional velocity dispersion, given by

Equation (2)

It also provides some spherical overdensity (SO) halo properties, such has SO mass and radius based on the FOF halos found. In the future, sub-halo finding will become available (currently under test).

3.4. Spherical Overdensity Halo Finder

The SO finder is based on the halos found by the FOF finder. It uses the particle center of the FOF halo (the user can specify the preferred center finding algorithm) and builds a spherical halo around that particle. ParaView provides values for the SO halo mass and radius—by default m200 and r200 are given (defined with respect to the critical density). Future versions of ParaView will let the user specify the overdensity mass of interest. All particles within r200 are identified as belonging to the SO halo. The overload zone (specified by the ParaView user) guarantees that there are enough particles in the ghost region to satisfy the FOF halo finder. For the SO halo finder, if the FOF center is in a corner of the processor domain, it may be found that the required sphere does not contain a large enough volume of overloaded particles. If this is determined it is reported to the user so that the overload zone can be expanded. Typically, doubling the size of the overload zone is sufficient.

The key to creating the SO halo is making a good initial guess for r200. Using this initial radius we set up a minimum and maximum radius (rmin and rmax) for binning all particles. The minimum radius is chosen to be 0.5 times the initial guess and the maximum radius is set to be 2.0 times the initial guess. Next, all particles are accumulated into 20 bins. Additionally, an extra bin is kept for all particles with a radius smaller than rmin because they must also be reported as members of the SO halo. As we iterate over all possible particles, we calculate the distance from the center, check to see if it falls within rmax, and then decide what bin should be incremented. We additionally keep track of the radial velocity associated with each bin as an extra check to see if the SO halo is what we want. To obtain the exact r200 we accumulate the bin counts for all bins less than the critical bin, including the count of particles that fell below rmin. We iterate on all particles in the critical bin, which have already been sorted, and calculate the volume of the sphere at that particle position. We increment the accumulated mass by the mass of that one particle and calculate the density ratio at that particle. As we add particles in order we will come to a particle that crosses the density ratio of 200 and the radius at that particle is the required answer. We return all particles with radii less than or equal to the r200 that we settle on.


In this section, we focus on a simple example to demonstrate how ParaView can be used to gain better intuition for cosmological structure formation by visualizing data sets, and at the same time can be used to analyze the data sets and to extract quantitative information in an interactive manner. The example we investigate is the effect of the force resolution used in the simulation on the accuracy of halo masses.

The era of precision cosmology poses daunting challenges to theoretical cosmologists. Accuracy requirements at the 1% level for simulations of highly nonlinear processes such as structure formation demand extremely careful analyses of possible systematic errors in N-body simulations. A powerful probe of cosmology is the mass function, i.e., the number density of halos as a function of mass. The mass function is very sensitive to cosmological parameters and enables us to, e.g., distinguish between different models of dark energy. It was pointed out recently by Wu et al. (2010) and Cunha & Evrard (2010) that in order to analyze the data from future cluster surveys we need predictions for the mass function at the 1% level of accuracy. Bhattacharya et al. (2010) find that uncertainties in the measurement of halo masses at the 2% level translate into inaccuracies in the mass function in the cluster mass regime at the 5%–10% level. Therefore, understanding systematic biases of halo masses due to numerical shortcomings is a significant issue (aside from problems with the physical modeling itself) if we aim to predict the mass function at high accuracy.

Two major sources of numerical inaccuracy in determining halo masses are limitations in mass and force resolution. As pointed out by Warren et al. (2006), and later investigated by Lukić et al. (2007) for idealized Navarro–Frenk–White halos (Navarro et al. 1997), undersampling halos with particles, i.e., insufficient mass resolution, leads to a systematic increase in halo mass. The effect of insufficient force resolution is twofold: (1) the boundaries of the halo are not as tight, and therefore more particles from the surrounding area will be linked to the halo and lead to a mass increase; and (2) the concentration of the halo is considerably lower and less mass resides in the halo center, which can lead to a decrease in the total mass. We will use ParaView to investigate these force resolution effects in more detail and show how the use of ParaView can provide an intuitive understanding as well as yield quantitative results.

4.1. The Simulations

Our test analysis is based on a set of simplified particle-mesh simulations, carried out with Mesh-based Cosmology Code on the Cell (MC3), a new hybrid cosmology code that takes advantage of cell-accelerated hardware (Habib et al. 2009; Pope et al. 2010). We investigate a ΛCDM model with the following cosmological parameters: ωm = 0.1296, ωb = 0.0224, nS = 0.97, σ8 = 0.8, and h = 0.72 in a (256 h−1 Mpc)3 volume. We generate an initial condition with 2563 particles on a 2563 grid at a starting redshift z = 200. We evolve these initial conditions with two different uniform force grids: a 2563 grid and a 10243 grid. Therefore, the low-resolution simulation has a force resolution of ∼1h−1 Mpc and the higher resolution simulation of ∼250h−1 kpc. (Note that because this is a demonstration problem, the chosen parameters are not representative of those actually used in full-scale simulations.) For each simulation we store the final timestep in the cosmo format, which provides the positions and velocities of the particles. For the mass field we store the potential of each particle. These outputs can be easily read into ParaView and analyzed.

4.2. The Analysis

In Heitmann et al. (2006), we derived a simple criterion for the force resolution required to resolve reliably the mass and position of halos with a linking length of b = 0.2. This criterion states that

Equation (3)

where δf is the force resolution (for a PM code δfp = np/ng with np being the cube root of the number of particles and ng the cube root of the grid size), nh are the number of particles per halo, Δ is the overdensity of interest measured with respect to the critical density, and Δp is the particle separation. A nominal choice of Δ = 200 corresponds roughly to a "virial mass." With this choice, the criterion predicts that the 2563 grid simulation should have sufficient resolution to capture halos with more than 3000 particles for Ωm = 0.25. This claim can be easily investigated with ParaView, and Figure 4 shows the results. We identify all halos with more than 3000 particles (linking length of b = 0.2) and show the particles that reside in halos for the different resolutions in a sub-volume. In addition, as a quantitative result, ParaView provides the overall number of halos found (116 for the high-resolution run, 110 for the low-resolution run) and we show a histogram of halo counts versus mass. This histogram indicates that the 5% discrepancy for the halo count is dominated by the smaller halos. The lower left panel in Figure 4 gives a comparison of the SO halo masses from the two runs—for all halos, the SO mass is higher for the high-resolution run indicating that the higher concentration of particles in the halo center is more dominant than the extra particles attached to the halo on the outskirts in the lower resolution run (this effect can be easily seen in the upper left panel of the figure, where the FOF particles are shown). If desired, the histogram can be easily changed to show the SO masses instead of the FOF masses in the upper left panel of Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Force resolution test and comparison of FOF and SO halos: all results shown are for a linking length of b = 0.2 and more than 3000 particles per halo. Results from the high-resolution run are shown in black, and results from the low-resolution run are shown in red. Upper left panel: particles in FOF halos from the low-resolution run (red) and the high-resolution run (black) in a sub-volume of the simulation. The overlinking problem can be seen for several halos; a very obvious example is a halo in the central region that links several structures together in the low-resolution simulation. The lower left panel shows the corresponding SO halos as spheres, scaled with respect to their mass. The SO mass from the high-resolution run (black) is higher in every case. Several points are apparent from this comparison: the low-resolution halos are less concentrated (therefore their SO mass is lower), halos in the lower resolution run are more often overlinked, and some of the halos found in the higher resolution run are missing in the lower resolution run because they fell below the 3000 particle cut. The upper right panel shows a histogram of the halo counts as a function of mass for the FOF halos. For the lowest two mass bins, the high-resolution run has more halos than the low-resolution run. The lower right panel shows the FOF halo mass vs. the SO halo mass, confirming the qualitative result from the lower left panel in a quantitative way: the SO masses of the high-resolution run are systematically higher.

Standard image High-resolution image

A very convenient feature is that once the analysis plot is set up as, e.g., shown in Figure 4, we can readily change the parameters for the halo finder and all panels will automatically show the new results. This makes the analysis task fast and convenient, allowing exploration of different settings in a simple manner. As an illustration, by changing the linking length to b = 0.15 in Figure 5, we find that the high-resolution simulation now has 84 halos compared to 65 halos in the low-resolution run, the difference between the two having increased to 20%. This is to be expected as it corresponds to an effective increase of Δ in the denominator of Equation (3), making the inequality harder to satisfy. If we lower the mass cut for the halos to 1000 particles per halo, we find, for b = 0.15, 487 halos in the high-resolution run and 338 for the low-resolution run, a difference of 30%.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Same as in Figure 4 but for a halo-finder linking length of b = 0.15. As expected, the discrepancies in the number of halos between the low- and high-resolution runs worsen further (cf. the halo count vs. mass histogram, top right). The interactive visualization process made it very easy to find these small halos by varying the particle cutoff. But the overlinking problem is essentially absent.

Standard image High-resolution image

Figure 6 (also created within ParaView) summarizes the results for halos with less than 2500 particles and a linking length of b = 0.2. The red line represents the halo counts as a function of mass for the high-resolution run, and the black line represents that for the low-resolution run. Over the entire mass range, the high-resolution run has more halos.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Number count of halos vs. mass for halos with less than 2500 particles. Black line: low-resolution simulation; red line: high-resolution simulation. Following our estimate, the low-resolution simulation has fewer halos than the high-resolution simulation over the whole mass range considered.

Standard image High-resolution image

As a next step, we focus on a particular halo and investigate its structure as a function of force resolution. We choose the heaviest halo in the simulation that has no dominant substructure. The visualization of this halo and the quantitative information available from ParaView allows us to investigate the force resolution effects in more detail. First, we compare the basic properties of the (b = 0.2) halo from the two simulations; Table 2 summarizes some of the currently available halo properties as measured by ParaView. The halo from the low-resolution simulation is slightly heavier, though the difference is below the 1% level. The center of mass for both halos is also very close, and differences are again below 1%. The force resolution effects become more apparent for the velocity properties of the halos. The center-of-mass velocities differ at the 10% level and the high-resolution halo has a larger velocity dispersion, by about 20%.

Table 2. Basic Halo Properties

Halo Property Low-resolution Halo High-resolution Halo
Mass (1015h−1M) 1.34406 1.34344
Center of mass (h−1 Mpc) (128.8, 85.5, 219.8) (129.0, 85.6, 220.0)
CoM velocity (km s−1) (−218.7, −94.2, −369.5) (−191.3, −82.1, −367.3)
σv (km s−1) 795.06 1072.16

Download table as:  ASCIITypeset image

Next, we visualize the chosen halo and its surrounding region, as shown in Figure 7. To do this, we first identify all halos in the simulations with more than 100 particles. We then focus on the halo of interest and select all the particles that reside in halos in a 20 h−1 Mpc box around the central halo. We zoom into the box while continuing to display halos that reside behind it. The particles are displayed as two-dimensional glyphs pointing in the velocity direction of the particle. In addition, they are colored with respect to their potential value—red corresponds to a shallow potential while blue corresponds to a deep potential. The color coding is the same in both figures for ease of comparison. In addition to the particles within the halos, we show the center of mass of each halo as an ellipsoid pointing in the direction of the center-of-mass velocity. The halos are colored by their measured velocity dispersion σv (lighter colors correspond to higher values for σv) and sized with respect to their mass. We therefore have the following information about the halos depicted in this visualization: (1) the number of halos in a certain region; (2) the masses of halos; (3) their center-of-mass position and velocity; (4) the halo velocity dispersions; (5) velocity and position information about particles within halos; and (6) the potential values of the halo particles.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Visualization of one of the largest halos in the simulations: lower resolution (2563 grid, left) and higher resolution (10243 grid, right). Shown are the halos themselves (ellipsoids, oriented with respect to velocity and colored with respect to velocity dispersion measured in km s−1) and particles within halos (within a 20 h−1 Mpc box centered around the major halo). The particles are represented by glyphs pointing in the velocity direction and colored with respect to their potential value (arbitrary units). Halos that do not show particles around them are outside the chosen 20 h−1 Mpc box. The white arrow in the right panel points at a small sub-halo missing in the lower resolution simulation plot the left panel.

Standard image High-resolution image

The first, and obvious, result of the local comparison is that the lower resolution simulation has fewer halos overall. The next immediate observation is the much deeper potential well at the center of the high-resolution central halo, as well as the deeper potentials in the small neighboring halos. This deeper potential will lead to a higher mass concentration in the center of the central halo. It is also clear that the higher resolution simulation shows more substructure, e.g., in the upper left part of the central halo the high-resolution result shows the formation of a small sub-halo (marked by the white arrow), which is absent in the low-resolution run. Overall, there are more particles on the outskirts of the low-resolution central halo; on the left side many more particles appear to stream in to the halo. Thus, at least for this halo—and consistent with the overall results—one may conclude that for massive halos, the two force resolution effects compensate each other and the halo mass remains robust. This result is also in good agreement with the findings of Heitmann et al. (2005, 2008) and Lukić et al. (2007). In those papers, the mass functions obtained with different codes were compared and good agreement established even though the force resolution in the codes differed by up to a factor of 10. In Bhattacharya et al. (2010) a more detailed study was carried out analyzing halo mass differences from different force resolution simulations. In that study, the difference in force resolution was much larger than here—two simulations with force resolutions different by a factor of 14 were compared and the effect on the high-mass halos was found to be at 4%. Overall, these findings are encouraging with respect to obtaining accurate predictions for the cluster mass function from moderate resolution simulations. This relaxation of the spatial dynamic range requirement is particularly useful for cluster simulations where a large volume is needed to get good statistics for the associated mass function.


In this paper, we have introduced ParaView as a powerful and convenient visualization and analysis tool for large cosmological N-body simulations. ParaView is an open-source, parallel visualization platform that can carry out visualization and analysis tasks on desktops as well as on supercomputers. We have implemented new readers and filters into ParaView that are designed for easy and efficient analysis of cosmological simulations. These tools include parallel particle readers ("cosmo" and "GADGET" formats are supported) and a very efficient halo finder. The underlying infrastructure for the cosmology filters is taken from our recent code developments for MC3. As the analysis code suite for MC3 evolves and matures, we will import the new developments to ParaView. Currently, a sub-halo finder is under final development.

The fundamental benefit of massively parallel visualization is that by putting everything in memory, we can perform complex visualization and analysis interactively. Many scientific queries, operations, and visualization algorithms are complex global operations that cannot be reduced to be a single SQL SELECT WHERE statement and it would be very difficult to program, due to the complex nature of analysis algorithms, in a custom SQL function.

In this paper, we have demonstrated the use of ParaView and its interface for analyzing and visualizing cosmological simulation with a few examples, focusing on the effects of force resolution on the halo mass function in the cluster regime. The strength of ParaView is the ability to summarize a large number of attributes of the simulation in a compelling visualization and at the same time allow for visualization-aided analysis—the availability of quantitative information, allied to the visualization itself. Together with manipulation and analysis tools such as a calculator and binning routines, we believe that ParaView will be a very valuable new tool for the cosmology community.

A special acknowledgment is due for supercomputing time awarded to us under the LANL Institutional Computing Initiative. Part of this research was supported by the DOE under contract W-7405-ENG-36. The authors acknowledge support from the LDRD program at Los Alamos National Laboratory. We are grateful for P. McCormick's contributions and comments on in situ visualization and GPUs.


In this Appendix, we provide some usage tips on visualizing cosmological N-body simulations with ParaView. Figure 8 shows a screenshot of the ParaView GUI interface. The first step is to read the particle file of interest. If the filename ends in ".cosmo" the ParaView reader will automatically identify the file as "cosmo" format and choose the correct reader. If the ending is different, a menu will appear and the user can pick by hand which format the reader should use. Once the cosmo format is specified, the user needs to enter the box size, the number of particles in one dimension, and the overload length that should be used for the halo finder. In the screenshot, the particle file that was read in was called "particle_white_lg" as apparent from the upper left list. Once the file is read in, some information is readily available and can be accessed by using the "Information" tab (e.g., number of particles, minimum and maximum velocities, and positions). The "Display" tab opens choices for displaying the particles—the default option under "Style" and then "Representation" is "Outline," which will simply draw a box around the entire particle distribution. Changing this option to "Points" (as is done in the figure) will display the actual particles. Some of the particle attributes can then be changed, e.g., the size and the color options. The "eye" next to the "particles_white_lg" can be activated or deactivated by clicking on it—in our example it is deactivated, which means that we do not show all the particles from the simulation, as explained below.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. Screenshot of the ParaView GUI. Shown are particles within halos as two-dimensional glyphs and halo centers colored with respect to their mass. ParaView allows for easy changes in the properties of the displayed particles (in this case, e.g., linking length and minimum number of particles in a halo for the halo finder), properties of the visualization itself, such as color schemes, and quantitative information about the data set, e.g., maximum and minimum positions, velocities, and tags of particles or halo counts.

Standard image High-resolution image

Next, we can apply a filter to the data as shown in the upper part of the figure. In the example, we evoke the halo finder. As in the case of the particle reader, options appear under "Properties" so that the linking length, minimum number of particles per halo, and overload length can be specified. The halo finder then generates two new output files, "Output-0" and "Output-1." The first file holds all particles with the additional information of the halo tag. Particles that are not in a halo have the tag "−1". By using another filter, "threshold," and requesting only particles to be displayed with halo tags ⩾0, all particles in halos can be displayed. In the example, we decided to show these particles as two-dimensional arrows colored with respect to velocities. In order to do this, we used another filter, "Glyphs," which allows for this option. As the activated eye next to "Glyph1" shows, we are displaying these glyphs in the main window. "Output-1" contains the actual halo catalog. Again, by choosing "Information," measurements of halo properties such as mass ranges and velocities will be shown. In the figure, "Output-1" is shaded in blue, which means the menu below can be manipulated for that output. In the current case, the halos are shown as points of size of 8 and colored with respect to mass.


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