Original order in the digital world

  • Jinfang Niu
Keywords: archives management, electronic records, original order


This article expands the concept of original order and presents two systematic views of the order of electronic records. In one view, abstract conceptual order can be used as guidance for the physical arrangement of records storage media and intellectual arrangement of records through a software interface. In the second view, organising electronic records entails managing the relationship between electronic records and the paper records in the same collection, between electronic records and their metadata, among different electronic records, as well as managing the relationships among the different copies, different versions and different captures of the same electronic records.

Author Biography

Jinfang Niu

Jinfang Niu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Information, University of South Florida. She received her PhD from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prior to that, she worked as a librarian at the Tsinghua University Library for three years. Her current research focuses on electronic records and digital curation.

How to Cite
Niu J. (2014) “Original order in the digital world”, Archives & Manuscripts, 43(1), pp. 61-72. doi: 10.1080/01576895.2014.958863.