Issue 40, 2020

Exploiting radical-pair intersystem crossing for maximizing singlet oxygen quantum yields in pure organic fluorescent photosensitizers


Fluorescent photosensitizers (PSs) often encounter low singlet oxygen (1O2) quantum yields and fluorescence quenching in the aggregated state, mainly involving the intersystem crossing process. Herein, we successfully realize maximizing 1O2 quantum yields of fluorescent PSs through promoting radical-pair intersystem crossing (RP-ISC), which serves as a molecular symmetry-controlling strategy of donor–acceptor (D–A) motifs. The symmetric quadrupolar A–D–A molecule PTP exhibits an excellent 1O2 quantum yield of 97.0% with bright near-infrared fluorescence in the aggregated state. Theoretical and ultrafast spectroscopic studies suggested that the RP-ISC mechanism dominated the formation of the triplet for PTP, where effective charge separation and an ultralow singlet–triplet energy gap (0.01 eV) enhanced the ISC process to maximize 1O2 generation. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated the dual function of PTP as a fluorescent imaging agent and an anti-cancer therapeutic, with promising potential applications in both diagnosis and theranostics.

Graphical abstract: Exploiting radical-pair intersystem crossing for maximizing singlet oxygen quantum yields in pure organic fluorescent photosensitizers

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
04 Jun 2020
17 Aug 2020
First published
02 Sep 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2020,11, 10921-10927

Exploiting radical-pair intersystem crossing for maximizing singlet oxygen quantum yields in pure organic fluorescent photosensitizers

X. Wang, Y. Song, G. Pan, W. Han, B. Wang, L. Cui, H. Ma, Z. An, Z. Xie, B. Xu and W. Tian, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 10921 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC03128C

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