Issue 55, 2020

Synthetic dimeric-drug phospholipid: a versatile liposomal platform for cancer therapy


An amphiphilic dimeric-podophyllotoxin (PODO) phospholipid was synthesized to assemble into liposomes as a combination of prodrug and nanocarrier. The results have demonstrated that the cell membrane-like delivery system possessed an improved cellular uptake and favorable antitumor efficacy with reduced side-effects. This strategy provides a new effective platform in drug delivery for cancer chemotherapy.

Graphical abstract: Synthetic dimeric-drug phospholipid: a versatile liposomal platform for cancer therapy

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Article information

Article type
20 May 2020
02 Jun 2020
First published
05 Jun 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 7621-7624

Synthetic dimeric-drug phospholipid: a versatile liposomal platform for cancer therapy

L. Ling, H. Yu, M. Ismail, Y. Zhu, Y. Du and J. Qi, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 7621 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC03589K

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