Issue 6, 2020

Investigating the effect of lanthanide radius and diamagnetic linkers on the framework of metallacrown complexes


By changing the stoichiometric ratios, the one-pot reaction of the glycinehydroxamic acid (H2glyha) ligand with copper(II) and lanthanide(III) salts in the presence of diamagnetic [Na2{Fe(CN)5(NO)}] led to two series of isostructural complexes, which can be designated as heterotrimetallic dimeric clusters [{LnCu5(glyha)5}{Fe(CN)5(NO)}(H2O)4]2·xNO3·yH2O (x = 2, y = 11 for La (1), x = 2, y = 11 for Pr (2), and x = 2, y = 11 for Nd (3)) and heterotetrametallic coordination polymers [Na{LnCu5(glyha)5}{Fe(CN)5(NO)}2(H2O)x·yH2O]n (x = 6, y = 4 for Sm (4), x = 6, y = 0 for Gd (5), x = 6, y = 4 for Tb (6), x = 5, y = 5 Dy (7), and x = 6, y = 4 for Ho (8)). Each molecular structure contains LnIII[15-metallacrown-5] nodes and diamagnetic [Fe(CN)5(NO)]2− linkers. The resulting products demonstrate diversified structural frameworks due to the radius effect of LnIII ions and different bridging fashions of diamagnetic [Fe(CN)5(NO)]2− linkers. An analysis of magnetic susceptibilities reveals that 7 exhibits ferromagnetic coupling between CuII and DyIII ions and field-induced SMM behavior.

Graphical abstract: Investigating the effect of lanthanide radius and diamagnetic linkers on the framework of metallacrown complexes

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Article information

Article type
13 Nov 2019
02 Jan 2020
First published
03 Jan 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 1955-1962

Investigating the effect of lanthanide radius and diamagnetic linkers on the framework of metallacrown complexes

H. Yang, Y. Meng, H. Tian, D. Li, S. Zeng, Y. Song and J. Dou, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 1955 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT04383G

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