Issue 12, 2019

Evidence for diffusing atomic oxygen uncovered by separating reactants with a semi-permeable nanocapsule barrier


Ground-state atomic oxygen [O(3P)] is an oxidant whose formation in solution was proposed but never proven. Polymer nanocapsules were used to physically separate dibenzothiophene S-oxide (DBTO), a source of O(3P), from an O(3P)-accepting molecule. Irradiation of polymer nanocapsules loaded with DBTO resulted in oxidation of the O(3P)-acceptor placed outside nanocapsules. The results rule out a direct oxygen atom transfer mechanism and are consistent with freely diffusing O(3P) as the oxidant.

Graphical abstract: Evidence for diffusing atomic oxygen uncovered by separating reactants with a semi-permeable nanocapsule barrier

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Article information

Article type
17 Aug 2018
07 Dec 2018
First published
07 Dec 2018

Chem. Commun., 2019,55, 1706-1709

Author version available

Evidence for diffusing atomic oxygen uncovered by separating reactants with a semi-permeable nanocapsule barrier

S. M. Omlid, S. A. Dergunov, A. Isor, K. L. Sulkowski, J. T. Petroff, E. Pinkhassik and R. D. McCulla, Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 1706 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC06715E

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