Issue 15, 2016

Molecularly-defined macrocycles containing azobenzene main-chain oligomers: modular stepwise synthesis, chain-length and topology-dependent properties


The synthesis and properties of macrocyclic structures have attracted continuous attention since the cyclic topology effect may offer unique performances. As is well-known, the properties of polymers/oligomers are dependent on molecular weight (chain length). Therefore, the precise synthesis of molecularly-defined macrocycles is undoubtedly a prerequisite to precisely explore the structure–property relationship. Herein, a series of molecularly-defined macrocycles with main-chain azobenzene-containing oligomers (sixth generation) is prepared efficiently, based on click chemistry and a stepwise chain-growth strategy. The cyclic topology and chain-length effects on the properties/functions of the cyclic oligomers are investigated in detail by comparison with the linear analogues. This work undoubtedly illustrates an example for demonstrating properties/functions dependent on both cyclic topology and chain-length, allowing in-depth insight into the structure–property relationship. Moreover, the current modular strategy can be extended to various molecularly-defined macrocycles with a wide variety of functions.

Graphical abstract: Molecularly-defined macrocycles containing azobenzene main-chain oligomers: modular stepwise synthesis, chain-length and topology-dependent properties

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Dec 2015
04 Mar 2016
First published
07 Mar 2016

Polym. Chem., 2016,7, 2645-2651

Molecularly-defined macrocycles containing azobenzene main-chain oligomers: modular stepwise synthesis, chain-length and topology-dependent properties

X. Jiang, J. Lu, F. Zhou, Z. Zhang, X. Pan, W. Zhang, Y. Wang, N. Zhou and X. Zhu, Polym. Chem., 2016, 7, 2645 DOI: 10.1039/C5PY01950H

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