Issue 27, 2015

A novel strategy to synthesize well-defined PS brushes on silica particles by combination of lithium–iodine exchange (LIE) and surface-initiated living anionic polymerization (SI-LAP)


Core–shell hybrid particles, possessing a hard core of silica particles (SiPs) and a soft shell of brushlike polystyrene (PS), were successfully prepared by the combination of lithium–iodine exchange (LIE) and surface-initiated living anionic polymerization (SI-LAP). The molecular weight, graft density and brush thicknesses of the PS brushes were controllable.

Graphical abstract: A novel strategy to synthesize well-defined PS brushes on silica particles by combination of lithium–iodine exchange (LIE) and surface-initiated living anionic polymerization (SI-LAP)

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 Jan 2015
13 Feb 2015
First published
13 Feb 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 5921-5924

Author version available

A novel strategy to synthesize well-defined PS brushes on silica particles by combination of lithium–iodine exchange (LIE) and surface-initiated living anionic polymerization (SI-LAP)

J. Min, Y. Lin, J. Zheng and T. Tang, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 5921 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC00335K

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