Issue 7, 2016

A quantitative method study on pertechnetate in aqueous solution using Raman spectroscopy


Technetium is an important fission product in the reprocessing process of spent fuels, and its determination is of great significance in nuclear chemistry and technology. However, nearly all related methods need a pretreatment step before measurement, the study proposed herein focused on the quantification of TcO4 in aqueous solutions simply using Raman spectroscopy with NO3 and water as internal standards without a sample preparation step. The relative intensity of TcO4 to NO3 (1047 cm−1) and OH (1645 cm−1) showed good linearity to the concentration of TcO4. The molar relative intensity was calculated for determination, and the predictions of these samples using both estimating methods were acceptable. The work also studied the behavior of TcO4 in a complex matrix, the results show that it is possible to use Raman spectroscopy for TcO4 quantitative determination in aqueous solution. The LOD and LOQ obtained is 0.42 mmol L−1 and 1.39 mmol L−1, respectively.

Graphical abstract: A quantitative method study on pertechnetate in aqueous solution using Raman spectroscopy

Article information

Article type
12 Dec 2015
17 Jan 2016
First published
19 Jan 2016

Anal. Methods, 2016,8, 1549-1556

A quantitative method study on pertechnetate in aqueous solution using Raman spectroscopy

Q. Zhang, H. Zhu, Z. Chang, Z. Luo, X. Bai and D. Li, Anal. Methods, 2016, 8, 1549 DOI: 10.1039/C5AY03254G

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