Issue 9, 2014

Design of efficient dye-sensitized solar cells with patterned ZnO–ZnS core–shell nanowire array photoanodes


The fabrication of photoanodes with a high light-harvesting ability, direct electron pathway and low exciton recombination is a key challenge in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) today. In this paper, large-scale patterned ZnO–ZnS core–shell nanowire arrays (NWAs) are designed and fabricated as such photoanodes for the fist time. By using the NWA photoanodes with a hexagonal symmetry and FTO-Pt cathodes with an Al reflecting layer, the resulting DSSCs demonstrate a maxiumum efficiency of 2.09%, which is an improvement of 140% compared to the reference cells with line symmetry and no reflecting layer. This improvement is attributed to the enhanced light-harvesting ability of the patterned NWAs, as well as to the remarkable double absorption caused by the Al reflecting layer. Additionally, the ZnO core provides a direct electron pathway and the ZnS shell simultaneously reduces exciton recombination. This study shows an effective method to improve the performance of DSSCs which could be extended to other nanodevices and nanosystems.

Graphical abstract: Design of efficient dye-sensitized solar cells with patterned ZnO–ZnS core–shell nanowire array photoanodes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
09 Jan 2014
01 Feb 2014
First published
03 Feb 2014

Nanoscale, 2014,6, 4691-4697

Author version available

Design of efficient dye-sensitized solar cells with patterned ZnO–ZnS core–shell nanowire array photoanodes

X. Chen, Z. Bai, X. Yan, H. Yuan, G. Zhang, P. Lin, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu and Y. Zhang, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 4691 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR00137K

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