Issue 7, 2012

Silica encapsulated SERS nanoprobe conjugated to the bacteriophage tailspike protein for targeted detection ofSalmonella


Silica-encapsulated Raman-reporter embedded SERS nanoprobes, named nanoaggregate embedded beads (NAEBs), were conjugated to the Salmonella specific tailspike protein (TSP) isolated from the P22 bacteriophage to enable a highly specific and ultrasensitive optical transduction platform. We demonstrate three successful surface conjugation strategies and highlight the detection of a single bacterium using SERS.

Graphical abstract: Silica encapsulated SERS nanoprobe conjugated to the bacteriophage tailspike protein for targeted detection ofSalmonella

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Oct 2011
14 Nov 2011
First published
08 Dec 2011

Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 1024-1026

Silica encapsulated SERS nanoprobe conjugated to the bacteriophage tailspike protein for targeted detection ofSalmonella

L. Tay, P. Huang, J. Tanha, S. Ryan, X. Wu, J. Hulse and L. Chau, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 1024 DOI: 10.1039/C1CC16325F

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