Issue 7, 2009

Alternative catalysts for VSS growth of silicon and germanium nanowires


Metal impurities have been used to mediate the growth of anisotropic crystalline semiconductor nanowires for a variety of applications. A majority of efforts have employed the vapor-liquid-solid approach at growth temperatures above the metal-semiconductor eutectic. Sub-eutectic vapor-solid-solid (VSS) growth has received less attention but may provide advantages including reduced processing temperatures and more abrupt heterojunctions. We present a review of the VSS growth of Si and Ge nanowires together with new studies of Mn-mediated Ge and Si nanowires to assess the generality of sub-eutectic nanowire growth and highlight key requirements.

Graphical abstract: Alternative catalysts for VSS growth of silicon and germanium nanowires

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
06 Oct 2008
19 Nov 2008
First published
07 Jan 2009

J. Mater. Chem., 2009,19, 849-857

Alternative catalysts for VSS growth of silicon and germanium nanowires

J. L. Lensch-Falk, E. R. Hemesath, D. E. Perea and L. J. Lauhon, J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 849 DOI: 10.1039/B817391E

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