Issue 42, 2006

Analysis of the H + D2 reaction mechanism through consideration of the intrinsic reactant polarisation


The effect of reactant polarisation on the dynamics of the title reaction at collision energies up to 1.6 eV is analysed in depth. The analysis takes advantage of two novel theoretical concepts: intrinsic reaction properties and stereodynamical portraits. Exact quantum methods are used to determine the polarisation moments that quantify the intrinsic reactant polarisation at various levels of detail, including or not product state and/or scattering angle resolution. The data is then examined with the aid of stereodynamical portraits, which facilitate the rationalisation of the stereochemical effects that are relevant for the reaction dynamics. This allows for detailed characterisations of the so-called direct and delayed reaction mechanisms.

Graphical abstract: Analysis of the H + D2 reaction mechanism through consideration of the intrinsic reactant polarisation

Article information

Article type
03 Jul 2006
13 Sep 2006
First published
28 Sep 2006

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006,8, 4881-4896

Analysis of the H + D2 reaction mechanism through consideration of the intrinsic reactant polarisation

J. Aldegunde, J. M. Alvariño, B. K. Kendrick, V. Sáez Rábanos, M. P. de Miranda and F. J. Aoiz, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2006, 8, 4881 DOI: 10.1039/B609363A

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