Issue 24, 2018

A thiadiazole-capped nanoribbon with 18 linearly fused rings


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that extend over 2 nm in one dimension are seen as monodisperse graphene nanoribbons, which have attracted significant attention for a broad range of applications in organic electronics and photonics. Herein we report the synthesis of a stable bisthiadiazole-capped pyrene-containing nanoribbon with 18 linearly fused rings (NR-18-TD). Thanks to the presence of alternating tert-butyl and tri-iso-butylsilyl groups, NR-18-TD is highly soluble in organic solvents and therefore its structure and fundamental optoelectronic, redox and electrical properties could be unambiguously established. This work illustrates that NR-18-TD is a promising soluble NR-based n-type semiconductor for applications in organic electronics.

Graphical abstract: A thiadiazole-capped nanoribbon with 18 linearly fused rings

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
30 Apr 2018
25 May 2018
First published
25 May 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 11297-11301

A thiadiazole-capped nanoribbon with 18 linearly fused rings

D. Cortizo-Lacalle, C. Gozalvez, M. Melle-Franco and A. Mateo-Alonso, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 11297 DOI: 10.1039/C8NR03516D

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