Issue 42, 2016

An N-sulfanylethylanilide-based traceable linker for enrichment and selective labelling of target proteins


An N-sulfanylethylanilide-based traceable linker, developed to facilitate identification of target proteins of bioactive compounds, was introduced into an alkynylated target protein. Subsequent adsorption onto streptavidin beads allowed it to be treated with a cysteine–fluorophore conjugate in the presence of phosphate. This induced the NS acyl transfer reaction of the N-sulfanylethylanilide unit. The subsequent native chemical ligation of the fluorophore resulted in cleavage of the linker for target elution and fluorescence labelling of the target, allowing it to be distinguished from non-target proteins.

Graphical abstract: An N-sulfanylethylanilide-based traceable linker for enrichment and selective labelling of target proteins

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Article information

Article type
08 Feb 2016
26 Apr 2016
First published
26 Apr 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 6911-6913

An N-sulfanylethylanilide-based traceable linker for enrichment and selective labelling of target proteins

T. Morisaki, M. Denda, J. Yamamoto, D. Tsuji, T. Inokuma, K. Itoh, A. Shigenaga and A. Otaka, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 6911 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC01229A

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