Issue 29, 2014

The general synthesis of Ag nanoparticles anchored on silver vanadium oxides: towards high performance cathodes for lithium-ion batteries


A general strategy has been developed for the one-pot synthesis of Ag nanoparticles uniformly anchored on silver vanadium oxides (SVOs) including AgVO3, Ag2V4O11, Ag0.33V2O5 and Ag1.2V3O8. All the resulting Ag/SVO hybrids demonstrated excellent lithium ion electrochemical intercalation properties, due largely to the improvement in conductivity with the introduction of silver nanoparticles, the large accessible surface area and possible catalytic effects. For instance, the as-prepared Ag/AgVO3 hybrid exhibits a superior rate capability, with a high discharge capacity of 199 mA h g−1 even at a rate of 5 A g−1.

Graphical abstract: The general synthesis of Ag nanoparticles anchored on silver vanadium oxides: towards high performance cathodes for lithium-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
24 Jan 2014
09 Apr 2014
First published
09 Apr 2014

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014,2, 11029-11034

Author version available

The general synthesis of Ag nanoparticles anchored on silver vanadium oxides: towards high performance cathodes for lithium-ion batteries

J. Zhou, Q. Liang, A. Pan, X. Zhang, Q. Zhu, S. Liang and G. Cao, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 11029 DOI: 10.1039/C4TA00437J

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