Issue 19, 2010

Electronic structure alternatives in nitrosylruthenium complexes


Coordination compounds [Ru(NO)Ln] containing an electro-active metal and potentially non-innocent ligands NO (and L) can have ground state electronic structures formulated as RuIII(NO+) = {RuNO}5, RuII(NO+) = {RuNO}6, RuII(NO˙) = {RuNO}7 or RuII(NO) = {RuNO}8. The neighbouring states of the {RuNO}6 systems can be accessed by spectroelectrochemical methods or through chemical reactions. The co-ligands Ln affect the electronic structures of the quite variable {RuNO}6 examples, in contrast to the more invariant {RuNO}7 species. Potential electro-active co-ligands L such as porphyrins or quinones provide additional alternatives for the electronic structures.

Graphical abstract: Electronic structure alternatives in nitrosylruthenium complexes

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Article information

Article type
02 Feb 2010
16 Feb 2010
First published
18 Mar 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 4471-4478

Electronic structure alternatives in nitrosylruthenium complexes

G. K. Lahiri and W. Kaim, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 4471 DOI: 10.1039/C002173C

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