Issue 11, 2009

Vertical arrays of nanofluidic channels fabricated without nanolithography


Vertical arrays of sealed nanofluidic channels, in which both cross-sectional dimensions are controllable down to 10 nm, were fabricated by selective side etching of a SiGe heterostructure comprised of layers of alternating Ge fractions. Capillary filling of these nanochannel arrays with fluorescent dye solutions was investigated using a confocal microscope. The feasibility of using nanochannels for size-based separation of biomolecules was demonstrated by imaging aggregates of tagged amyloid-beta peptide. The ability to integrate a large number of nanochannels shows promise for high throughput applications involving lab-on-a-chip systems.

Graphical abstract: Vertical arrays of nanofluidic channels fabricated without nanolithography

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 Nov 2008
04 Feb 2009
First published
03 Mar 2009

Lab Chip, 2009,9, 1556-1560

Vertical arrays of nanofluidic channels fabricated without nanolithography

R. Sordan, A. Miranda, F. Traversi, D. Colombo, D. Chrastina, G. Isella, M. Masserini, L. Miglio, K. Kern and K. Balasubramanian, Lab Chip, 2009, 9, 1556 DOI: 10.1039/B819520J

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